
As you know, the Senate has included the repeal of Obamacare's individual mandate penalty in its version of the tax reform bill.

This is nowhere near the full "root and branch" repeal that voters were promised, but it will provide tax relief to millions of Americans who don't want to buy Obamacare insurance. This is very good.

However, this provision was added to the tax reform bill as part of a deal struck by Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) with moderate Republicans that also includes passing a separate bill giving bailout payments to health insurance companies.

This must be stopped!

Rather than lowering premiums by eliminating regulations, many Republicans would rather try to do it by subsidizing insurance companies. President Obama tried this and it failed miserably.

Also, once Congress starts bailing out insurance companies, the bailouts will never end. Liberals in both parties will forever call for more money to "stabilize" the marketplace.

Repealing the individual mandate tax is good, but trading that repeal for insurance bailouts is not. If Republicans want to lower premiums, they should repeal the benefit regulations. That is what they promised and that is what will solve the problem.

Under no circumstance should Congress ever approve bailouts for insurance companies. This is socialism and it will only make it harder for Americans to get access to quality health care.

The Senate is expected to begin debate on the tax reform bill next week and every conservative in the country must be ready to stop bailouts for Obamacare.

We will continue to monitor the debate and let you know what you can do to make sure it moves in the right direction.

Thank you for your support.

Ken Cuccinelli II
Senate Conservatives Action

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