Dean Heller is the only major Republican Swamp Creature ready to fight for his seat in the United States Senate next year.

It's not looking good for him, though, as his primary polling numbers have continued to crater against Danny Tarkanian, the outsider conservative, tea-party, pro-Trump challenger is not afraid to stand up to the Establishment.

Heller has been sending out crazy eblasts for his campaign bid, including a picture of him when he was in the late 1980s.

Now he is trying to ride of the coattails of the successful effort from Senator Chuck Grassley to put an end to the never-ending filibusters of the ruthless, obstructionist Democratic Party to President Trump's judicial nominees.

Did Dean Heller really have anything to do with this?

Nope! THis guy has been playing along with the Establishment, content to vote for what the base wants when the Republicans did not have control of the White House.

As soon as Trump shows up, however, all the campaign promises from the US Senators wilted away into nothing, and now the voters in Nevada are angry. So am I, and they need to go!


The fact that we have so many judicial emergencies is incredibly concerning and should be a wake-up call to all Senators, especially those that are slowing down this important process.

The unprecedented obstruction by Democrats has crippled the judicial system from fully functioning and I’ve had enough of their games.

While 46 of President Trump’s judicial nominees wait to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate, liberal activist courts like the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals are overreaching and dramatically influencing public policy in our country.

Yes, it is true that the Ninth Circuit is abusive and outrageous. The federal courts working beneath the Ninth Circuit have been unjustly responsible for allowing illegal aliens to stay in the United States and violate the sovereignty of our country.

It's easy to attack an issue which someone else has already won.

It's really strange, too, that Heller wants to run under the success of President Trump, yet at the same time he refused to support the President and walked away

Democrats know they can delay the process and keep us from getting conservatives on the bench and the way to beat them is to keep the Senate in session around the clock.
We can get this done if we stop taking breaks and work until the job is done.

OK, NOW Heller wants to get busy.

Really?! What has he been doing for the last 11 months? Why did he vote against the initial repeal of Obamacare earlier this year? Why did he help torpedo other provisional repeals?

The good news is, the Senate has started to address the issue of judicial vacancies, and we have the advantage and the momentum. After the judicial confirmations this week, we will have confirmed more Circuit Court Judges in just a few months in the Senate, than Obama could in 8 years.

Let's face it–the President has been pushing through successful reforms, and he has found willing allies with some people in the United States Senate.

Heller is playing nice with conservatives now because he knows that his days are numbered. But voters are not used to getting fooled and taken advantage of forever. This game will not last forever, and it will not end will for Heller.

Final Reflection

Dean Heller is toast, but we can see why.

Heller has been feeling the heat of an angry, enraged conservative base and Republican leaders in general throughout the Silver State. They wanted real change, they wanted action, they want things to improve in their lives, and they want to see American Great Again.

He is also signaling growing support for amnesty for the DACA brats. This is wrong, and we just cannot allow this. He needs to pay attention to the needs of American citizens, and so far the outrage from the voter base has tempered his undue enthusiasm for the little illegal alien kids.

There is winning going on for the American First movement throughout the country–and that victory will include putting Heller out to early retirement.

Repealing Obamacare, for example, is another crucial part of the agenda, and yet Heller stymied these efforts earlier in the year. They had a budget reconciliation process ahead of them to push the full repeal as they had done in 2015, the repeal which they had placed on President Obama's desk, which of course he had vetoed. This abuse of power, this decision not to comply with the will and the wishes of a constitutional republic will not go unchecked.

All of this has to be faced head on, and part of that will mean the loss of Dean Heller in his re-election bid next year.

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