People, I will not be nice or diplomatic about this.

The city of Torrance needs real leadership, not corruption, arrogance, and malfeasance.

Crook Pat Furey must go, but right now there are two other contenders and they are poised to cancel each other out and give Crooked Pat re-election.

Ron Riggs and Tom Brewer, it's time for you BOTH to put the best interests of the city ahead of anything and anyone else. Who cares if I don't get invited to the Christmas parties or the swearing-in ceremony next June.

We need a fighter, we need someone who will call out the wasteful spending, the street-sweeping racket, the planning commission shenanigans, and the ardent bigotry of the mayor, who somehow thinks that the expression of First Amendment Rights constitutes an embarrassment to the city of Torrance. Not to mention the fact that one dollar out of four from the general budget goes to a pension!

We also need someone who will say to the labor unions "No More!" and say to the small businesses "Here's your money back." How about LOWERING the sales tax?

If neither one of you wants to do any of this, then both of you should back off and let another candidate run.

#FireFurey #MakeTorranceGreatAgain

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