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Nov. 30th, 2017

Must-pass spending bill could include an amnesty for at least 700,000 illegal aliens!

Thank you to everyone who took action on Tuesday! Since you received that alert, Democratic Leaders canceled a meeting with Pres. Trump to discuss the upcoming spending bill, and Sen. Dick Durbin (Minority Whip) is now urging Democrats to oppose any spending bill that doesn't include an amnesty for DACA recipients. Today, we'd like you to call House GOP Leadership and to send the free message to your Members of Congress if you haven't already done so.
Dear Robin,
It's crunch time! Over the next several weeks, Congress must pass legislation to fund the federal government to avoid a shutdown.
The deadline is next Friday, December 8, but Congress has a history of kicking the can down the road, and one option would be to pass a short-term bill that extends the deadline to sometime later in December. The Washington Post reports today:
With government funding scheduled to dry up on Dec. 8, both sides have floated the possibility of passing a short-term plan that would push negotiations until just before Christmas.
Congress loves to add unpopular provisions to must-pass spending bills, and that's why we're on high alert.
As most of you know, the Trump administration stopped accepting new applications for Pres. Obama's unconstitutional executive amnesty for young illegal aliens (DACA) in September. Since then, both Democrats and Republicans have introduced several proposals that would give a permanent amnesty to DACA recipients. The must-pass December spending bill provides the vehicle to do so.
We've seen this play out before. Congress has used massive spending bills to hide unpopular immigration provisions or tried to pass amnesty when voters were less engaged during the holiday season.
  • Earlier this year, Congress passed a massive spending bill for FY2017 that allowed the Department of Homeland Security to issue additional H-2B low-skill worker visas above the annual cap.
  • In December 2015, Congress passed a massive spending bill for FY2016 that exempted returning workers from the H-2B annual cap.
  • In 2010, Congress tried to attach the DREAM Amnesty to the must-pass National Defense Authorization Act. After that effort failed, it brought a standalone DREAM Act to the floor for a vote during Christmas week before ultimately failing in the Senate.


A handful of high-profile Democratic Senators have announced that they'll withhold support for the spending bill if it doesn't include an amnesty for DACA recipients. To support their efforts, the open-borders lobbying group Partnership for a New American Economy is investing heavily in grassroots lobbying efforts over the next few weeks.
So far, both Pres. Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan have said that they don't want DACA to be included in the December bill.
Which side wins could depend on how much opposition to adding a DACA amnesty to the spending bill lawmakers in Washington hear from their constituents.
"fax Congress needs to hear from you!
Over the next several weeks, Members of Congress need to hear a constant beat of opposition to adding an amnesty for DACA illegal aliens to the must-pass spending bill. Here are two actions you can take to get you started:
1) Call House GOP Leaders
Speaker Ryan has been vocal about his opposition to DACA's inclusion in the spending bill. He and his Leadership colleagues still need to hear from the voters, however.
Please call the following GOP Leaders in the House and tell them that you oppose adding the DACA amnesty to any must-pass spending bill.
Speaker Paul Ryan — (202) 225-0600
Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy — (202) 225-4000
Majority Whip Steve Scalise — (202) 225-0197
GOP Conference Chair Cathy McMorris-Rodgers — (202) 225-5107
2) Send a message to your Members of Congress
Click on the red button below to send a free message to your three Members of Congress and a message to House Speaker Paul Ryan urging them not to include an amnesty in any upcoming spending bill.
Send Message
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