After months of stalling and
waiting, President Trump finally officially recognized Jerusalem as the Eternal
Capital of Israel. He further directed his cabinet and the State Department to
move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

The transition will take time, but
it's underway. Of course, the Palestinian terrorists and their liberal enablers
are screaming and rioting in the streets over this move. But it's about time it
happened. The United States' military victories in the Middle East against
ISIS, plus the growing awareness of the violent nature of the Islamic political
cult, have wakened the world to the high stakes in the region. For these
reasons, I respect why President Trump issued the formal declaration now rather
than in January or February.

We need to stand with Israel, and we
need to ensure that the capital of the only stable liberal democracy in the
Middle East is recognized as the mainstay of the Jewish State.

His critics in the press and among
the Beltway intelligentsia blasted the move as short-sighted or political.
Unbelievable. Even Democrats who wanted this move to happen are slamming the
President for actually doing it.

To all the anti-Trump haters, this
tweet says it all:

I fulfilled my campaign promise –
others didn’t!
— Donald J. Trump
(@realDonaldTrump) December 8, 2017
In 1995, Congress passed
legislation, which President Bill Clinton signed, that would require the United
States to move its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. One part of
the law, however, permitted the President to issue a waiver in case of national
security threats. Every president since has used that waiver to back away from
their campaign promise. This time, however, President Trump allowed the waiver
to lapse and he announced official recognition of Jerusalem as the official,
eternal capital of the state of Israel.

Why didn't the other Presidents
follow through on the promise? I can hazard a few guesses.
Bill Clinton was too busy trying to
make history for himself by brokering the Oslo Accords. He wanted to be the
peace-maker who achieved the lasting cessation of conflict in the Middle East
and the final assurance of a two-state solution.

Didn't happen. In fact, in the year
2000, the Second Intifada erupted. Islamic extremists in the region had no
interest in a two-state solution—and still don’t. The rogue, terrorist states
within the West Bank and in the Gaza Strip do not want to live side-by-side
with Jews, but would rather see them all pushed into the sea.

George W. Bush ended up as the
NeoCon I had feared. I thought that he would have showed some muscle, some
backbone. Then again, he was the same President who declared that he had to
suspend the rules of the free market to save it—a brazen lie. He also danced
around with globalist interests. Recognizing Jerusalem as the eternal capital
of Israel would have jeopardized those global ambitions. The very existence of
the Jewish State signals that there is a God, and that if there is to be a One
World Government, it will rest on His shoulders, not on the shoulders of mortal

As for Barack Obama, he was hostile
to Israel and did not want Jerusalem to be recognized as the eternal capital.
From the outset of the Obama Administration, tensions rose considerably between
Benjamin Netanyahu and Obama. Pictures of the two leaders showed them distant,
refusing to look at each other. Reports indicated that Obama and his team had
called Netanyahu a "chickensh–t".

During the 2012 Democratic National
Convention, the delegates wanted to remove the plank from the national platform
calling for recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel. The president
officer, former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, rejected the voice vote
on the floor, most likely at the call of President Obama. He may have agreed
with the progressive base on this issue, no doubt, but he couldn't afford the
media fallout that would have boosted Romney’s election prospects.  

The final blow against Israel came
when Obama used tax dollars to swing the 2015 Israeli elections toward
Netanyahu's opponent. Obama's meddling didn't have the impact he wanted.
Netanyahu cruised to victory with a stronger mandate. His leadership was
crucial to guiding the Jewish State through two more years of Obama's
anti-Israeli, pro-Iranian backstabbing.

Now we have Donald Trump, who won
the 2016 election in a populist, nationalist, conservative upset as part of a
rising wave of anti-globalist pushback. His support from Evangelical Christians
was essential to victory, no doubt. Trump's strong relationship with Jewish
communities in New York and throughout the world assured Zionists everywhere,
and Judeo-Christian proponents in general, that Trump would follow through on
the promise to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move the US
Embassy to the capital.

How else did Trump manage to avoid
the US Embassy double-talk which had plagued his predecessors? President Trump
is outside of the corrupted Establishment of both political parties. This is
true leadership, which builds up the country and the party by paying attention
to the needs and concerns of the voters, not the will and whim of K Street, the
DC Potomac Two Step, and the corrupt, self-enriching swamp.

Trump had the backbone and the
forethought to do what no other President had done. Yes, he makes deals, but
any compromise which gets us closer to our goals and upends the interests of
the opposition is a step worth taking. Jerusalem has served as the Capital of
the Jewish State since 1967. There’s no reason for any country to stave off
formally recognizing this historical and political fact today. And already,
another country—the Czech Republic—has stepped up and issued a formal
recognition, too. Now that’s what I call leadership!
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