Last week Jerry Falwell, Jr., President of Virginia's Liberty University and nationally-known conservative leader, officially endorsed my campaign for U.S. Senate against Democrat Tim Kaine in 2018.
And Arthur, the GOP elite are now scrambling — desperately searching for a hand-picked establishment candidate to challenge me for the Republican nomination.
The establishment knows I'm running for Senate for one reason:  
To go to Washington and tell Mitch McConnell and his cronies "NO!" 
NO Sanctuary Cities.
NO open borders.
NO illegal aliens raping and terrorizing American people.
NO ObamaCare. 
NO out of control spending. 
NO trampling on our U.S. Constitution. 
That's why they're desperate to recruit a hand-picked establishment candidate they can anoint as the chosen nominee to take on Democrat Tim Kaine in 2018.
And that's why I need your help to stop the establishment from stealing the nomination from conservatives.
Friend, I want to make this perfectly clear. 
This is not a campaign about the status quo. 
This is not about who should be "next in line" for the establishment. 
This campaign is about sending a message to the GOP elite and the rest of the establishment hacks ruining our country in Washington.
About standing up for freedom against an overreaching federal government.
As Virginia's next U.S. Senator, I will fight to repeal ObamaCare, fight to secure the border, fight for law enforcement, fight for our veterans and fight for blue collar workers against the powerful elite forces destroying our nation.
I won't back down or compromise my conservative principles and values.
Of course, the GOP elites in Richmond and Washington believe a small government conservative like me can't win against a powerful liberal like Tim Kaine in 2018.
But I believe they're wrong.
I believe there are very few Virginians who want more taxes and more out-of-control spending.
And there are even fewer who want ObamaCare, gun control and attacks on our God-given liberties.
That's why I'm running for the U.S. Senate.
If that's too much for you at this time, please consider chipping in $25 or $10 to help fuel my grassroots campaign.
Thank you so much for your support.
For America,
Corey Stewart
Republican for U.S. Senate (VA)
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