We the People Rising arrived on scene to counter-protest the pro-illegals and their enabling CHIRLA faction at Rep. Paul Cook's office in Apple Valley.

They just don't get it. American citizens across the country sent the message loud and clear to the public that we don't want more illegal immigration. These illegal aliens advocates are fighting a losing battle, especially because the horrific consequences of illegal immigration have become impossible to ignore.

The loss of jobs which this country suffered after 8 years of Barack Obama, the innocent Americans murdered by illegal aliens, and the diminishing quality of life: all of this traces back to the illegal alien invasion and the undermining of the rule of law in our country. The DACA Brats, who are not children anymore and in many cases were never children to begin with, have thrown massive temper tantrums all over the country. They demand recognition, status, and honor at all costs.

They just don't get it. They are in no condition or position to demand anything from anyone. They should be grateful that they have lived in this country has long as they have, then return to their home countries, the ones which their parents had taken them from, and come in legally. Nothing more, nothing less.

Of course, these facts and legal realities have not stopped the Brown Supremacy movement and their allies. Notice that they love playing the race card over and over, claiming that opponents of illegal immigration are a bunch of abject racists who want to "Make America White Again." How offensive does it get? Notice in the above video that we have at least two Latinos for Trump.

Fed up with the chronic use of the race card, We the People Rising gave these pro-illegal elements a taste of their own medicine: "Racists, go home! Racists, go home!"

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