Go Escondido!  One of the best cities in California for supporting the rule of law and no sanctuary for ILLEGAL aliens and foreign criminals.
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A willingness to cooperate with federal authorities on immigration enforcement was a big driver in determining which local law enforcement agencies would get a slice of $98 million in federal funding to hire additional officers. It is a move that aligns federal dollars with the Trump administration’s tough immigration agenda.
The Escondido Police Department was the only local agency on the list of 179 nationwide to make the cut this year with an award of $250,000 — enough to pay for two additional full-time officers for three years.

In its announcement last week, the U.S. Department of Justice said 80 percent of the recipients of the Community Oriented Policing Services grant have agreed to cooperate with federal authorities in detention facilities when it comes to immigration enforcement — including providing access to immigration officers to interview non-citizen inmates and advance notice of an immigrant’s release from local custody.
“Cities and states that cooperate with federal law enforcement make all of us safer by helping remove dangerous criminals from our communities,” U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a statement.
DOJ officials in Washington, D.C., said Escondido’s willingness to cooperate gave the Police Department extra points in its bid for the grant, although Escondido police do not run detention facilities in San Diego County; that is the purview of the Sheriff’s Department.
Like all local police departments in the county, Escondido does have a few holding cells at its police station to keep arrestees temporarily for interviews or to complete paperwork before they are transferred to the county-run jails……
Jeff Schwilk
Founder, San Diegans for Secure Borders
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