This is what I had wanted for the longest time: a sense of peace without massive, overwhelming distractions.

This time, I had no choice but to accept the rest and refreshing which comes with the massive limitations on Facebook.

I was officially barred–or rather my accounts were disabled–on Facebook two weeks ago. It has to be one of the best things that happened to me this month and a big win for me going into the end of the year.

Facebook is a real time suck, and even if the operators behind the scenes were not the huge fascists which they are, too much was taken away with the program. Social media becomes quite redundant, too. The only thing that had irked me came from friends and fellow activists, who claimed that by going away from Facebook, "they" win.

Well, what can one do when "they" deliberately silence people and actively prevent you or anyone else from opening and maintaining a Facebook profile?

It's over at this point. The way to win the Free Speech wars will not occur by playing on the enemy's field, but choosing our own theater for conflict. It's time for us to find other profiles and networks to make our case and state our aims to the world at large. has turned into an effective and open platform for discussion. I do not like the white national and white supremacist content put out by some profiles, but the answer to free speech you do not like is more free speech that you do like, or to simply stop reading what someone has written.

Without Facebook as a constant distraction and time-suck, I have more time to read the Word and focus on other matters more pressing and interesting. I have found more time to write, as well as upload video content. I also find that I am not that tired in the morning or wired in the evening, so much so that I can't even sleep!

Yes, I am sleeping much better now, too.

What Fascist-book meant for bad, God is putting to good use. So glad to be done with Facebook. With the crack down on public profiles and activists on Twitter, that social media site might be gone, too!

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