Why should you support MassResistance?
Being part of the counter-revolution is empowering!

Last week we got a message on our MassResistance Facebook page that seemed threatening. The writer called us all kinds of vile names, and said he was going to "take down our organization." He said we should "get ready" because he's coming after us. We went to his own Facebook page, and it turned out he's a 30-something physician just a few towns away. So we arranged for the local police to give him a call at his office. He completely melted! A few hours later we received on our Facebook page a lengthy apology from him, saying he was very, very sorry he interfered with our right to express our beliefs and he won't do it again.

Most conservative groups don't seem to get it. The Left is often very vicious and brutal. But deep down they're cowards. Like all classic bullies, if you punch them in the face, so to speak, it's amazing how they'll fold. But if you don't do that (and most conservative groups don't have the stomach for it), then get ready for a very rough ride.

Getting their attention. The front page of a recent issue of Bay Windows, the Boston homosexual newspaper.
The term "culture war" is not just a colorful phrase. It's real. And it must be taken seriously by our side, because the Left certainly approaches it that way.

Here's an example of what we're talking about. At a local high school, which was known as one of the most pro-LGBT in the state, parents were very particularly disturbed at the annual LGBT "Day of Silence" event imposed on students. Every year, the parents would asked that it not be done, and were brusquely turned down. Then one year we helped parents confront the principal. This time they didn't use intellectual arguments. About a dozen of them came in and, well, basically screamed at the principal not to push this program of perversion on their kids. The program was cancelled!

(Unfortunately, it came back the next year, when most of the parents weren't there anymore. The principal saw she could get away with it again. That's a lesson for us, too.)

There are a lots of stories like this. That's why, as bad as things may seem on the surface, we are convinced that the "culture war" can be won. As we've been saying for years, at its core, it's basically a house of cards. That's a different mindset than most conservative groups around the world have.

And we don't just talk about it. We're on the ground helping parents and citizens DO it.

  • That's why MassResistance now has chapters across the United States and in several foreign countries. Our latest conference in Texas on helping students and their parents counter the LGBT agenda in schools drew speakers from as far away as England, and was written up in Newsweek and other national media.
  • That's why hardly a week goes by when we don't get a call from people asking for our help, or wanting to form a MassResistance chapter in their area. (We're working hard to keep up with it.)
  • That's why the mainstream media (and of course the LGBT media) attack MassResistance relentlessly – far more than any other conservative pro-family group. They know we're actually effective in countering their agenda.
  • That's why our recent 600-page book, The Health Hazards of Homosexuality,is so despised by the Left. (It's been condemned in the liberal media both in the US and Europe!) We document and expose the truth that even most conservatives are afraid to discuss
Be part of the fight with an end of year donation!

As 2017 winds down and the New Year approaches, we hope you will be in this fight, too. By donating funds, you are part of the team. It's very important right now because (1) this is the biggest time of the year for reaching the financial goals we need in order to continue; and (2) our funding comes from people like you – not corporations, government, or the millionaire businessmen. YOU are what keeps everything we do going.

During December, for every donation of $150 or more we will send you a free copy of The Health Hazards of Homosexuality. It's the crucial information the Left doesn't want you to know about!

For gifts of $20,000 or more we will personally deliver the book to you!

To donate to MassResistance, click HERE or mail a check to: MassResistance, PO Box 1612, Waltham, MA 02454. Donations to MassResistance are not tax-deductible.

To donate to our tax-deductible arm to fund our research and education efforts, call our office at 781-890-6001 or email us and we will give you that information. Donations can be by check or credit card. (The book offer is good with that, too.)

EVERY donation is REALLY appreciated.

Help us start the year strong – and continue to confront the "culture war" in 2018!

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