I love Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

She is erudite, articulate, no-nonsense, no-holds barred, unwilling to play games, quick-witted, and dutifully competent and effective.

She is not afraid to shame Fake News reporters.

She is not afraid to take on liberal Congressmen, too, and on social media.

This epic takedown from Press Secretary Sanders is priceless:

Dear @tedlieu – I don’t serve in Congress, but I can read. If you had read the story, not an incorrect tweet, you would see that what I said was Dems should be begging to help Americans keep more of their money. You should spend less time tweeting, more time doing your job. https://t.co/jI3W2a0xaQ

— Sarah Sanders (@PressSec) December 19, 2017

If you click on the link retweeted by Sanders, you will notice that Lyin' Ted Lieu deleted it.

He later tried to pivot to his capacity to admit mistakes, and then suggested that President Trump do more of the same.

Sanders for Congress!

Here's the problem: President Trump is too busy winning for this country and going after the Pro-American agenda to waste his time with Lyin' Ted Lieu, a do-nothing progressive from Torrance California who is probably waiting for the best exit from Congress. Democrats are not going to win seats hurting the needs and concerns of American citizens across the country.

We need representation and leadership to protect Americans, to ensure that American quality and sovereignty are protected at every cost. Hey Sarah Sanders, would you like to run for Congress in CA-33?

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