This is really sad, and yet really good for American citizens.

The DREAMers, or in reality the Nightmare Kids, and they are disrupting the daily lives of American citizens who have been footing the bills for their presence in this country. They are in no position to demand anything from the American people or our government.

Shame on all of them.

Now they have resorted to overrunning the halls of Congress. They are slamming Congressional offices all over the country, as though their massive temper tantrums are going to get them what they want.

They have been blessed to live in this country as long as they have, despite lacking legal status. They should gladly receive what they have, return to their home countries, and either come back into the United States legally or make their home countries great again.

These lawless antics are not helping their cause, that's for sure:


This is it: Congress has less than 3 days to pass a Dream Act before they go home for the holidays. That’s why, at this moment, 1,500 immigrant youth are escalating the fight by blocking 3 tunnels that Congress members use to get from their offices to the Capitol building.
Congress won't be able to ignore us. Can you make a call to 478-488-8059 right now to back us up? If you made a call yesterday or the day before, please make another today. You’ll be transferred to a different Congress member that needs to commit to pass Dream before the end of December.


Our message to both Democrats and Republicans is clear: a vote for a budget bill, without Dream attached, is a vote for the deportation of immigrant youth. We know our presence has been felt. Just last night, we took over Congress and our chants were heard in all the offices.
Arthur — we need you to echo our message. Call Congress at 478-488-8059 now and ask them to commit to vote no on any budget bill that does not include the Dream Act.
I am just one of over 1,500 immigrant youth who have exposed themselves to danger by traveling to Washington, DC to fight for our right to exist in this country. This morning we’re putting our bodies on the line. Our act of civil disobedience puts us at risk of being detained and deported.
We’re giving this fight everything we got, and we need your support to help us finish strong.
Yuridia and the rest of the team at United We Dream
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