December 19th, 2017 We the People Rising went to Congresswoman Mimi Walters' office to demand that she retract support for illegal aliens and oppose any kind of DACA "Fix". The unconstitutional program and all permits issued under it should be rescinded and sunset without further legislative action.

The illegal aliens who had prospered under that program should have never entered the country in the first place. They have gotten a great deal of good in this country in spite of the dubious status of that order. It's time for illegal aliens and their children to return to their home countries and enter the United States the legal way. We already have a pathway to citizenship in our United States Code. Everyone who wants to immigrate to this country must do so legally.

Mimi Walters has faced unprecedented pressure and outrage from the Indivisible 45 Group. They have gone after her in different sections of her district, which stretches from Irvine to Laguna Beach. According to the Irvine Detective supervising protester safety in front of her Irvine office, a number of them have been arrested for disturbances and violence outside of her office.


Here's proof of how violent they have become (All photos by Sam Gangwer of Southern California News Group):

The woman above was completely unhinged in front of me. She grabbed my camera as I was interviewing her and demonstrating on behalf of young Americans killed by illegal aliens. The two police officers had to force her back, and as she retreated I shouted at her that she should be ashamed of herself for attacking me.

In this video, she shouts at me that the DACA recipients are the best people she has ever met:

In this video, she goes absolutely nuts, and then I call out after her for attacking me.

Of course, she ran away as other members of the Indivisble 45 protesters gathered around her and held her hands. Then she started crying, and I called her out on that, too. Liberals and leftists have been telling themselves and others that they are perennial, eternal victims, and that mentality leads to acts of violence, like that woman grabbing at my camera.

Shame on her. Shame on all of them!

Not only did I catch them showing their true colors, but the OC Register photographer gave much-needed coverage to the Americans killed by illegal aliens.

Check out these incredible photos:

Once again, I am really, really impressed that the OC Register photographer respected my wishes and covered me with fair and balanced respect. The LA Times reporter and photographer was present, too, and he just asked me my name, nothing more.

The Los Angeles Times sent one reporter to do a series of hit pieces on me, and they have pretty much fallen flat. The OC Register has provided more quality reporting, I have found.

In spite of the fact that I could not meet with Rep. Mimi Walters' staff about ending DACA and stopping amnesty, I am really glad that I could be there.

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