The Tax Reform victory is huge on many levels. President Trump achieves a major victory for all Americans. He has helped to double the child tax credit, lowered the corporate tax rate to make our country far more competitive economically.

This legislation is a big deal, too, because it repeals the individual mandate in Obamacare.

Not the best, since the legislation needs to be repealed in full, but it gets us much, much closer to getting rid of the terrible law in its entirety. Very excited about this.

Not only that, but following passage of the Tax Cut and Jobs Act, the Alexander-Murray Obamacare bailout was shelved for discussion next year.

Likely, that bill will not get passed or go anywhere. There will be no bailouts for insurance companies, which were all looking to get rich off of government largesse. Shame on Barack Obama, the corrupto-crat who was looking to make Big Business happy, all while pretending to care about working Americans and progressive ideologies. Never happened. Never.

The collapse of Obamacare is all but immanent, since no one will be forced to purchase crappy insurance that is overpriced and underwhelming. Who is going to jump into the exchanges, then, when they have no need to do so?

Forcing people to purchase a product was the height of unconstitutional, even though the arrogant Supreme Court judges insisted on upholding that terrible part of Obamacare. Finally, though, Congress did something about it.

Obamacare is still technically alive, but it is heading for a major crash and burn. I can't wait for the rest of the horrid law to be shut down for good and real free market reforms enacted.

Please, President Trump, end the rest of this horrid law. Let's put an end to government welfarism, and let's put an end to allowing illegal aliens to get health insurance on the taxpayers' dime.

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