The Night before Christmas, I asked
one of my customers where I work, a Saudi native studying in California: “How
do you say 'Merry Christmas!' in Arabic?”

He chided me: “We don’t have
Christmas in my country.”
Not true.
This article from Breitbart featured
tweets from Christmas celebrants throughout the Middle East. Even in Saudi
Arabia, where Christians worship in the privacy – a Western concept if there
ever was one – of their
 homes in Lebanon, Syria, and throughout the Arab World. In African countries, too,
where Christians face untold hardships to their faith, and privations
unimagined in this modern century, men and women celebrated Christ the Savior,
born in a tiny manger in Bethlehem, the only baby born expressly to die for us,
and as us, to live for us and through us. Despite the worst tortures,
persecutions, and the virulent rise of ISIS in the world, those who call on
Jesus as Savior are not afraid to declare that Jesus is indeed the reason for
the season, and not just in the Middle East.
The Western ideal, the tradition of
life, liberty and the will to live rather than die, is rising again.
The latest fervor for Christ even
among former Muslims is a latent testimony that a new birth of freedom is
breaking forth: of religion, liberty of conscience, in defense of Western
values in spite of the raucous Islamic hordes teeming along around the world.
In Europe, where Islamic refugees are invading, and Western culture faces unprecedented assault against
its regard for freedom, limited government, and respect for individual worth
and natural rights, Middle Eastern refugees are fleeing their “faith
and embracing Christ and Him Crucified.
Muslims are converting in large numbers to Christianity, not just
in the Middle East, but throughout Europe. Skeptics will argue that these
are Quranic “White Lie” maneuvers to
spread Islam through stealth. One problem: by becoming a Christian, an
ex-Muslim signs his death warrant before the rest of the Islamic
community. Intellectuals like British atheist Richard Dawkins have
hammered this truth time and again. Apostasy is a death sentence in Islam.
Arabs are converting from that horrific cult-like political ideology. What about the rest
of Europe? Is the continent done for? Pamela Geller, who sponsored a “Draw Mohammed” cartoon
art gallery in Garland, Texas, feared the worst, lamented in an article “The West has Lost the Will to Live”: “Our top priority should be to crush
the enemy. Instead, we get pathos and pitiful memes.” Has Western Civilization
as we know it thrown up its collective hands and given up? 

In Africa, Angola has officially banned Islam and begun closing down mosques
throughout the country. In China, political correctness has
not shackled leading officials to place limits on Islamic bullying against
those Muslims who reject radicalism in all its forms. In France, Socialist President Francois Hollande has spear-headed investigations
then invasions into key mosques, with their permanent closure following
discovery of gun caches and other weaponry.
for this Swiss parliamentarian
, that is certain. In 2011, Oskar
Freysinger railed against the fascism which this horde-like religion brings. “Europe is an idea”,
he assured his audience. More than countries or political economies, Europe is
“a cultural landscape, and intellectual space shaped by history.” He received
thunderous applause for defending the essential tenets of life and liberty in
the West, in contrast to the barbarism of Islam. A wide swath of Swiss
residents have voted to ban minarets, out of growing
unease with a rising population of political Islamic militants refusing to integrate.
Around the same time, this
Austrian member of parliament exposed
 and excoriated the
double-standard amongst illiberal European elites, whom he derided as
“Tolerance Romantics”. What set off his furious remarks? The arrogance of the
Turkish ambassador, who had faulted the Austrian government for “interfering”
with the integration of Turks, and yet migrant behavior, and the ambassador’s
own actions, betrayed their resistance to adopt European customs, and
insistence that their Islamic way of life be accepted.
These uproars are rising all over Europe and the rest of
the world. There are more people with the will to fight back, to survive, to
thrive once again. In Italy, Islam
is not recognized as an established religion
. One of the founding
Renaissance thinkers of the time, Thomas Aquinas, rejected the edits of
Mohammed and viewed the religion as a heretical perversion of Christianity,
nothing more. In Great Britain, despite his wayward actions, Prime
Minister David Cameron reminded the British public:
“We are a Christian country.”
Here in America, too, a new birth of
freedom, of national identity is breaking forth. Leaders and readers are craving revival of our spiritual heritage, our Western
. If you thought the Austrian parliamentarian mentioned above
was tough, just listen to Chanell
Temple of Hawthorne, CA
 (also a member of We the People Rising!) blast the corrupt
Huntington Park, CA City Council. As I have written before, this city council
appointed two illegal aliens to city commissions, overlooking thousands of
legal and qualified residents in the city. Temple thrashed their hypocrisy
toward legal residents and the rule of law: “My people break the law, they go
to jail. You people break the law, you get amnesty. We are not going to have to
sets of law!” The double-standard ends today. Western civilization is superior,
and is worth fighting for, and no one can disregard the peace and safety of
legal residents in the name of global equality.

Despite the tyranny of Islam, and
the simmering fecklessness of a lax secularism, there is a new birth – a
renaissance — of life and liberty, of Western culture and values, of
Christianity in the face of profane lawlessness shining forth again in the

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