Breaking news!

I called it from sources well-connected with the inner workings of the Deep State of Sacramento.
Sebastian Ridley-Thomas, Assemblyman for the 54th District (Culver City, West Los Angeles) has resigned.
He will leave office December 31.
LOS ANGELES (December 27, 2017) – While it has been a great honor to
serve as a member of the California State Assembly for the past four years, I
have decided to resign from my post effective December 31, 2017.
This is actually a pretty sudden decision. He won't even offer a week for the voters in his district to react to this decision. Matt Dababneh announced his resignation with more time to respond than one week.
Why is Sebastian Ridley-Thomas resigning now?
The reason for this difficult decision is that I am facing persistent
health issues. On December 18th, I underwent surgery for the fifth time this
year. Although I expect a full recovery, my physicians advise that I will need
an extended period of time to recuperate.

Fifth surgery? For what?! This is the first time that I have heard about his persistent health issues. What's the matter with this guy? He's only 30 years old. 
Accordingly, I submitted my letter of resignation to Assembly Speaker
Anthony Rendon late yesterday. I did so with great reluctance, but even greater
respect for the office, which involves constant travel, an unrelenting schedule
and high stress. Unfortunately, at this point, I am no longer able to deliver
the effort my constituents in the 54th District deserve.  Consequently, I am also terminating my
reelection campaign.

Constant travel to where? Yes, there are the flights from the district to Sacramento, but other than that, where has he been going?
When I resume public life, I intend to remain active in civic affairs,
where my passion lies. Following recuperation, I will return to the work of
political empowerment, millennial civic engagement, and inspiring the next
generation of leaders.

Oh brother. When does this insanity end?
I am grateful to have worked with some incredible colleagues — men and
women of strong conscience and determination to keep California moving forward.
My hope is that, in this next chapter of public life, I can help ensure that
African-Americans, millennials, and all Angelenos have a strong and vibrant
voice in shaping the future of the Golden State.

2. Sebastian Ridley-Thomas
One source informed me that Ridley-Thomas is actually gay or bisexual.
Just a rumor. About Ken Cooley, I know nothing more other than that there is
sexual misconduct lurking in the background somewhere.

What is the matter with all of these corrupt, salacious people.
Having Cooley on the chopping block is particularly telling, since he
is the current chairman of the Assembly Ethics Committee!
Stay Tuned!
I called it December 8th, 2017!
Former Speaker of the State Assembly John Perez jumped into the race to replace Xavier Becerra as soon as he was appointed Attorney General of California. Then barely a week later, Perez would drop out of the race, citing health reasons.
Yeah, sure, whatever.
I suspect this is more of  #MeToo, which was about to spill out.
Democrats are losing members left and right over all sorts of problems. Will there be a chance for Republicans to capitalize on the Democrats' losses to win a few seats and stop the supermajority  again?
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