
2017 is almost at a close, but our work is not done. We are just short of our year-end fundraising goal, by only $5,634.17!

We need your help before midnight on December 31st to hit our goal. Can you help with a donation of $25, $50, $100 or another amount today?

We are heading into an election year and need your help to start off strong. We have an historic chance to re-elect Governor Larry Hogan and break the Democrats stranglehold on Annapolis by gaining 5 seats in the State Senate and 7 seats in the House of Delegates!

We can't do it without you!

The clock is ticking down to the end of the year! There's not much time left to help us hit our goal…

Or donate another amount:

With your continued support of our Party we can continue to elect strong Republican leaders who will fight for Maryland!
Thank you again for your support!

Dirk Haire
Maryland Republican Party

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