Judge Roy Moore was a firey candidate. He courted controversy without any trouble, and refused to allow it slow him down.

He lost the special election in deep Red Alabama. The media smears against him were strong, and yet many Republicans claimed that he was innocent of the salacious charges.

Yet other studies suggested that Moore did not have much of a ground game.

He did indeed spend much of his time attacking the GOP Establishment, when he needed to focus all his guns going after the progressive leftist Democrat angling to take over the seat.

Another revelation which is not hte most welcome.

Politics is a humanistic bloodsport. There is no calling down divine intervention to ensure a qualified or welcome outcome. God respects the individual choice of voters, as much as He honors the will of men to trust in His Son or reject Him.

Final Results on Election Day, Alabama Special Election

It is a true shame that a good man with a strong record was swept under because of false accounts and a massive lack of support from Republican colleagues in Washington DC. The controversies around him were indeed too great to simply ignore.

Some critics contend that Moore did not do enough to debunk the lies of the Washington Post. He certainly relied extensively on accounts from Breitbart and other networks, but at the end of it all, the Democrats went all in to win that seat, and they are an enraged, engaged base at this time.

I do hope that Moore files a lawsuit against the Washington Post for the underhanded reporting against him. I also hope that he goes after Yearbook-Fraud Beverly Nelson and Gloria Allred.

Republicans need to understand that politics is an amoral process. They have to win elections, and they have to face the torrential consequences and opposition which will well up at them. The corporate media giants are not gone yet. They can still unduly sway the minds of voters, and they can muddy the truth about people without hesitation.

Aaron Park wrote some damning criticisms of Moore, too, that he was not ready for prime time, and that he was not the strongest statewide candidate as previously believed. It just goes to show that no matter who strong one's prowess in past elections, no one can run for office on past victories alone. Just because Breitbart likes you and Steve Bannon has endorsed you does not mean that you are going to win.

There has been some good out of this loss. It has woken up the Republican grassroots and party brass to work for more wins, not just bask in the glow of Donald Trump. They got busy getting tax reform passed, since the GOP Senate Majority will lose a seat next year. Ideological purity and anti-establishment credentials are not enough to win.

Let's hope that more solid conservative candidates keep this in mind in Election 2018.

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