Those two losses were stunning and sad, especially Virginia, where it looked as though Ed Gillespie really had a shot. He was finally stressing the cultural issues that would resonated with the Republican base, the pro-Trump voters.

Guadagno had a winning issue,  I thought, on stopping New Jersey from turning into a sanctuary state. Sadly, the pro-illegal and pro-Democratic currents in the state were just too strong to overcome. Governor Christie called it when he said that voters were getting tired of hearing "No" from Trenton. They would elected Democratic leadersr to give them more money, and thus they could expect the property taxes to go up.

There are too many people taking and not enough people making in New Jersey.

Virginia, on the other hand, was a more stunning upset. A bad mix of factors pushed Democrats into high gear while Republicans were just not as motivated. Whether we like it or not, stronger organization and angrier voters will all but determine whether a candidate wins or loses. Democrats are unified in their hatred of Trump.

But Trump is not a bad President. The hatred of the Democrats is deranged and unfounded–no one should challenge it. But the anger is still there. Republicans need to get angry with Democrats and hate the idea of them regaining or gaining power of any kind. Trump has accomplished a lot, but he can't get more done with Democrats' styming Congressional action on key issues.

Republicans have been enemies in the face of Trump, too.

But going back to New Jersey and Virginia … it really saddens me that strong stances against illegal immigration, including sanctuary cities, did not put the Republicans over the top, even in New Jersey (even though that fight was a long-shot). Do voters in these states understand that sanctuary cities bring crime, mayhem, and general societal disorder?

What were they thinking? I guess I have to retreat back to a basic tenet of politics. Men and women voting are often not thinking beyond their partisan affiliation. The media still has unprecedented power and scope over informing voters. Trump's mastery of the media was legendary, though, and helped him compensate for the crappy lies and smears that they printed.

Republicans need to get back to work, it's as simple as that. They need to shape the culture, not just win one presidential election. The fight against the main pillars of our culture is ongoing, and we cannot expect the #MeToo controversies to clear out everything. We need to see Americans working again, happy again, profiting in a country where their needs and concerns are respected.

We need to get voters to vote. It's just that simple.

Republicans, you need to get angry even in the midst of so much winning, so much prosperity. A sense of fear, of alarm needs to wake up inside of the electorate, that everything we have been fighting for is at risk if we don't continue fighting like mad for this great country.

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