For the last two weeks, since the Schumer Shutdown went down in epic defeat for the minority Democratic caucus, the President through his White House team has been issuing some strange intimations about DACA and immigration reform.

His first discussion outlined a need for a fix of some kind. That proposal was rebuffed, and then the Democrats moved in for the kill to shut the government down, demanding a clean DREAM Act, as though illegal aliens in our country deserve citizenship because they have screamed and yelled loud enough.

I do not want our President rewarding bad behavior, and the vast majority of Americans were unhappy with Democrats taking extraordinary steps to shut down the government for illegals. Even Democrats in California shared with me their displeasure.

Democrats overplayed their hand, and they did it just to warm up their base. The whole has massively backfired. The United We Dream, George Soros funded Nightmares are harassing lawmakers even more, and registered Democrats are ditching their affiliation. They wanted their party to put up a fight and win.

They didn't even put up much of a fight.

Some of the most ardent Trump supporters, however, started getting worried when Trump went from granting some kind of legal status to going for full-on amnesty for 1.8 million illegals, DACA recipients as well as young illegals who have not taken advantage of the program.

What good has come out of these proposals?

First of all, a lot of well-meaning conservatives who were sympathetic to the DACA cause have now dropped their support for the illegal alien nightmares. Their behavior is so bad, and the media has covered their disruptive temper tantrums so much, that they have hurt their cause even more in the public eye.

President Trump has been playing 3-D chess this whole time. He was waiting for the Democrats to show all their cards, that they are so delusional, out-of-touch with the will of the voters and the needs of the country, that they would double down and demand amnesty only, while ignoring the needs of securing our borders and enforcing our immigration laws to the fullest.

The Democratic Party proved to the world that they are the party of illegal aliens, not American citizens. They are putting the needs of foreign nationals ahead of our military, too. President Trump played the Senate Democrats like a harp from hell. Ten of them are up for re-election this year in states which Trump or Trump and Romney won in the last two election cycles.

Let's just say that Trump is pushing them further and further into a corner, where they have to sweat through political headwinds hurting their standing before the public. Not only that, but the Republican Congress can take great pride that their tax reform package is working miracles for working Americans and businesses. Better yet, Trump can point to his energy policy which has worked wonders for the country, too.

What do Democrats have? Obstruction and anti-Americanism.

CNN is now reporting that there will probably be no DACA deal at all, since Democrats spent what little political capital they had over the abortive shutdown. They are now voting in some rigorously bad patterns, against one piece of common sense legislation after another. It's not doing them any good.

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