Righteousness and justice never stop running down.

At Marsee Auditorium earlier this week, the two main candidates running for Governor competed in an extended, extensive, and exciting exchange of ideas.
I was really impressed. Both of them came ready to make their case to the voters.
Travis Allen threw down like no one else.
He visited with lots of people, lots of supporters after the debate, too!
Before the debate began, one of the candidates running for the 43rd Congressional District showed up: Edwin Duterte.
I am not supporting him. Omar Navarro is the candidate to take on Maxine Waters for the general election. He has raised an incredible amount of money. He has prior experience working some of the precincts in the city and throughout the district, since he ran in 2016.
Not only that, but he is a devout, open Trump supporter. That's the kind of leadership that we need in this country. We need people who will not run away from the President, but are willing to stand with Trump and the Pro-American MAGA Agenda.
Duterte just hates Omar, and it makes no sense to me whatsoever. There is so much animus going on, and no one is focusing on making the state better or their different districts better for constituents.
At the debate, Edwin's key surrogate was Robert Peete. He has been a strong ally in the past for Donald Trump and for LA County for Trump.
But now, I am not sure what has happened to him. He has become vocally hostile to all kinds of people. He does not listen to others, but spends more time trashing people. It's really sad.
When I walked into the auditorium, I respectfully announced that I am voting for Omar Navarro for Congress. He fired back "You must be a criminal, just like him!"
Really? Oh brother. Who needs this nonsense? I decided to refrain from further interaction with the guy. I don't know what's happened to him, but it's not looking good.
Edwin's presentation to the voters was really weak. He didn't have any energy or real connection with the audience. He has very little money, too. The truth is, he is running against Omar because … he doesn't like Omar.
That's not a reason to run for office. You run for office because you want to represent people for the better in Congress. Oh well.
At the end of the debate, a couple of racists broke into the auditorium to chant and disrupt the event. By then, they were too late, though, since the debate had finished, and the audience was returning to the lobby to meet with the candidates.
Shortly after the racist protesters came into the auditorium, Robert got arrested:
Here's another video of the incident:
Whatever happened, it seems pretty ironic that Peete called me a criminal, when he's the one who got arrested that night. What is going on here?
I asked one witness what happened, and she could not tell me from her own eyewitness testimony. One of the police officers informed her that he had laid hands on someone. Other people were pointing out that the racists who broke into the auditorium should never have entered the auditorium in the first place. Why weren't they arrested?
Still, I think it's somewhat fitting that the guy who shamed me for supporting Omar Navarro … got arrested in turn.
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