The California Republican Party has been in freefall because our state party is no longer registering voters.

We no longer have top-tier elected officials representing the party and helping to raise money.

We are not winning because Democrats have been gaming the system with voter fraud and rampant mass migration, legal and illegal.

We as California citizens can do so much better than this.

So much better.

John Kasich is an embittered Never-Trumper who simply doesn't understand that we don't want him.

He wanted to open up the borders to illegal aliens. He would have no problem seeing people put into jail cells because they did not want to bake a cake for a gay wedding. He wants to talk about gun control, and he keeps coasting on his one primary victory in his home state.

Yet through all of that, he insisted in staying in the race as much as possible. What is wrong with this guy?

As for Arnold Schwarz-a-housekeeper, who really cares what he thinks? Why do we want that guy to be telling Republicans anything about winning elections? This guy gave up and went Democrat with the rest of the state legislature when he could not get the initiatives passed that he wanted to pass.

Former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Ohio Gov. John Kasich
will headline an event to debut a new group seeking to reform the California
Republican Party.

Reform? The Republican Party needs to resurrect its values in the state of California. The culture of the state is falling away from rampant illegal immigration, but these elitist RINOs with no connection to reality want to double-down on some of the perverse, left-wing principles of the Democrats.

We need a conservative populism which offers not just ideas but solutions to make them happen. 

The pair will deliver speeches and participate in panels on
March 21 in Los Angeles at an event for New Way California, a group formed by
Assemblyman Chad Mayes (R-Yucca Valley).

Cheating Chad will be there, too? The same fool who pushed Cap and Betrayal onto the state of California is going to talk about making Republicans great again in California? Well, actually not even that, since Cheating Chad, much like Ahh-nold, broke their vows to their wives as well as the state.

Flabby RINO Arnold!

“They will be focused on reminding the Republican Party we
need them to be successful, but in order to be successful, they need to choose
policies and messaging that helps them grow rather than continue to shrink,”
said Daniel Ketchell, a spokesman for Schwarzenegger.

Part of the messaging is NOT raising taxes and the costs of doing business in the state of California. Yet that is precisely what Republicans did in Sacramento when they colluded with Democrats to push Cap and Trade renewal, while throwing a lifeline to vulnerable Democrats. That was not just a bad deal, it was profoundly immoral and dishonest.

Cheating Chad should have been forced to resign for that betrayal, not just lose his minority leader status.

The former California governor, one of the last Republicans
to win statewide election, has been lamenting the party’s decline for years. In
2007, he famously made a speech about the state party “dying at the box

We are dying at the box office because the main attraction turned into a flop. Ahh-nold was a glowing RINO more interested in playing nice with the California Teachers Association

Since then, the GOP’s share of voter registration in
California has slipped to 26%.

Where is the registration? Why isn't anyone hustling to grant Republicans a better share of the vote? Why do we see the national committee members not getting out there and making the case that we need them

Kasich shares Schwarzenegger’s concerns, advisor John Weaver

Kasich and Schwarz-y just want to sit at the Kool Kidz' Table. They want the media to fawn all over them while the continue to bash Trump and the conservative populist agenda which he has ushered into the country.

“He believes the Republican Party should be positive and
inclusive and expansive, as opposed to the narrow cast that it has been nationally,
and in California particularly, for some time,” Weaver said. “What has happened
with tone and on immigration clearly over the last decade, longer, has put the
party back, and now the party, by and large, is run by people who would rather
be leaders in a phone booth and are not inclusive enough and not positive
enough to win a statewide election.”

How has the GOP become narrow? Where is the lack of inclusion? All this talk about diversity and inclusion is not based on any kind of principles. Republican elected officials need to stick to their guns on serious issues and make things happen.

“He has concerns about that because what happens in
California is a precursor to what happens nationally,” Weaver said.

Not anymore. California has become the anti-example as more states are shifting toward pro-growth policies which put Americans First, which bring back trade, commerce, education, and public safety.

Kasich, who has been a fierce critic of President Trump
since his unsuccessful presidential bid in 2016, has toured the nation calling
for civility and bipartisanship in politics, and is reportedly considering
another presidential run.

UGH. Again, Kasich is not interested in fixing anything. He just wants to make himself the center of attention. He doesn't care about anyone but himself.

Schwarzenegger and Kasich are also longtime friends, a relationship
forged in part by Schwarzenegger holding his Arnold Classic bodybuilding
competition in Ohio. Schwarzenegger previously endorsed and raised money for
Kasich, and has called on him to run for president in 2020.

Oh brother. Kasich is this arrogant and this delusional. Go home, Kasich. Please, just go home!

Schwarzenegger sits on the board of Mayes’ political action
group, which was formed after the assemblyman was forced from his GOP
leadership post for joining with Democrats to extend the state’s cap-and-trade
program. The group is expected to organize a super PAC for this year’s elections.

Cheating Chad will do anything he can to save his bacon. He threw his family under the bus. He cares more about making money and feeling like a corporate big shot who gets to sit at Governor Brown's feet and make nice.

Final Reflection

This is a joke on so many levels, that I don't even know where to finish.

Chad Mayes wants to talk about taking the California Republican Party in a new direction? He has been taking it in one clear direction: downwards. We are dying at the box office, precisely because Republicans are not acting as a strong, royal opposition to the illiberal lunacy of the California Democratic Party, which has gone so far to the left, one wonders when they will just make themselves a satellite of Maoist China.

Thumbs down on RINOs!

Cheating Chad and Arnold Schwarz-a-housekeeper have so much in common. They are unfaithful to their wives, to the voters, and to the state in which they have served as representatives. They are spineless RINOs who have no business running as Republicans anymore, since they are more interested in being liked by liberal loony legislators than doing what is right for California taxpayers.

This is a disaster for all of us. We need men of conviction and integrity who want to win, and win big, We need people who will not run away from the media but confront their biases and their anti-American disdain for individual citizens and their liberties.

Most of all, we need to see more people stepping up to fight against the political corruption on both sides of the aisle, as Big Business, Big Labor, and Big La Raza continue to line their pockets at our expense. Haven't we had enough in California?

John Kasich and Arnold need to go away. They are waste of time and breath, a disincentive to all who want to fight to Make California Great Again.

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