Josh Newman won the state senate seat to replace Bob Huff in 2016.

He won by 1,000 votes. Manifold allegations of voter fraud dogged the outcome of the race.

Now he's facing a recall, an effort launched by Senate Minority Leader Pat Bates and company to stop this lawlessness.

Josh Newman was the key vote for the gas tax hike.

He also voted to turn California into an outlaw state. He even helped revive the Cap and Trade betrayal program.

One source informed me that he's not even a veteran. Whatever his status, he has no right to hide behind the colors of the flag to push his regressive, leftist agenda.

Orange County residents need to wake up and throw this guy out of office. He never should have been elected in the first place.

At the campaign headquarters in Fullerton, a motley crew of union workers and retirees showed up.

They had a few keynote speakers, including State Senate Pro Tem Emeritus Kevin De Leon and Toni Atkins, who is the new Pro Tem. Such a coven of corruption and collusion is just sickening, especially right there in the heart of Orange County.

Wake up, people! Newman has to got to go!

Other state senators were there, including my own, Ben Allen, along with Queenie Steve Bradford, Michael Portantino, and others. Don't they have work to do for the people of California?

The volunteers there to fight the recall against Josh Newman were really surprised to see me there. I have a new bullhorn now, and they told me about three times to turn it down. A couple other people showed up to block me from speaking and protesting against the state senator and the herd of Democrats.

One pair put up a screen to prevent me from recording the event. A few other people tried to touch me or stop me from recording, but I refused to be silenced. I thought that Democrats were all about tolerant and inclusive!

Some of the people in the crowd actually claimed to be Republicans. I have never been so disgusted, and I don't believe any of them. A big "boondoggle" sat in the middle of the parking lot, too. Now the Democrats care about spending? Really?!

Don't make me laugh!

For an hour, the Democratic progressive leftists faithful tried to shout over my bullhorn, but I kept making as much noise as I could, refusing to let Josh Newman get away with robbing working Californians while giving away money to illegal aliens, welfare queens, and perverse special interests overwhelming the state capitol.

At the end, I started talking about all the #MeToo controversies which have dragged down a number of Democratic state legislators in both chambers. The shameful display of arrogance from the Democratic Party is beyond belief.

The voters in the state of California need to understand that the Democratic Party is completely in bondage to the lies and deceit of the regressive left. They are full-on communistic now, determined to take from those who make and give to those who take, and not just homeless people.

Even driving to and from Fullerton, I was astonished at the bad roads, the closed businesses, and the growing dirt and blight in the area. This is terrible! I am in Orange County, and it's starting to look more and more ghetto by the minute. We need to take back California.

After the rally dispersed, I found my state senator Ben Allen there. I confronted him over the gas tax, and how he could support that. He tried to change the subject, talking about President Trump and how he wanted to raise our gas tax. Really?! I asked him to prove it, but he chose to run away instead.

Funny! When I asked him about the homeless veterans, he didn't say anything. What is Ben Allen doing in Fullerton, anyway? Shouldn't he be focused on Santa Monica and the South Bay?!

One major step to accomplishing that begins with recalling Josh Newman and electing someone else to take his place. We need more people to stand up to the Sacramento Deep State Swamp which is swallowing working people, ignoring our veterans.

After the "Rally" ended, I walked back to my car, only to see State Senator Richard Roth walking back to his car. It was a YUGE gas guzzler. Why was he using his jeep for a campaign event? The license plate even read SD 31. WHAT?!

The voters in Riverside County deserve better than Richard Roth, and the voters of North Orange County need to get rid of Josh Newman! Here's the ticket you need to deliver to Newman on June 5th:

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