I received this email yesterday from CaRepublicanVoice@gmail.com.

I am still verifying some of the claims, but many of them are spot on.

In the eblast below, I will add my own comments in bold blue letters.

Forward: From "CA Republican Voice" 

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John Cox Fiction vs. Truth
John Cox Claim:John Cox is a lifelong Conservative.  

Truth:  John Cox has a long history of attacking conservatives. All the way back in 1976, John Cox voted for Jimmy Carter!  In 2016, John Cox donated to George Soros allied Mayday Pac and a majority of the money was used to attack Republicans. In 2016, John Cox voted against Donald Trump and voted for Gary Johnson, a default vote for Hillary Clinton.

I am still looking into the vote for Jimmy Carter. That's bad!
But his vote for Gary Johnson was not wise in any way. A vote for Goofy Gary was indeed a vote for crooked Hillary. It was absolutely essential to vote for Trump, whatever one's fears and concerns may have been about his record.
And so far, his record has been quite excellent!

John Cox Claim: John Cox is the leading Republican in the polls
Truth: John Cox has not lead in a major public poll for months. His best showing was a tie with Travis Allen, all the way back in December.
Did John Cox really think that he was going to get away with this set of whoppers?!
Here are the most recent poll results for all of the major public polls:   


Travis Allen
John Cox
Poll Average

I am can't believe that John Cox continues to claim that he has the lead in one poll after another. His camp even claimed that Allen won the Torrance El Camino College debate.

Uh … no he didn't. He was weak, watery, and in some cases unprofessional.

John Cox Claim: John Cox has raised more money from more donors.

Truth:  Despite being in the race for months longer than Allen, Cox has raised less from less donors.  His only ability to raise money is from his own pocket.  John Cox is Meg Whitman and Neel Kashkari, but with less money and more kooky.

"Whoa! Are you saying Meg had more money than me?"

John Cox Claim: John Cox will be tough on crime.
Truth: John Cox opposed the death penalty for Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh.
It is a substantive reality that Cox is opposed to the death penalty. Yes, that is a problem, and even the San Francisco Chronicle has affirmed Travis Allen as the only candidate who supports this final punishment.
John Cox Claim: A majority of the judges said John Cox won the CRA debate.
Truth: There were no judges.  John Cox just made them up.  In fact, in a poll of the audience, taken by the moderator, Jennifer Horn, Travis Allen won the debate with 86% of the vote.

WOW! John Cox is a liar!

John Cox Claim: John Cox can win an election.

Truth: Despite spending millions of dollars, John Cox is a four time loser.  He ran for the US House, US Senate, Cook County Clerk Recorder and President. He has never come close to winning an election.

John Cox Claim: His citizen legislature would eliminate corruption.

Truth: John Cox’s proposal would create over 12,000 new politicians.  He likes to compare it to the citizen legislature in New Hampshire, a state that is very different than California.  A more accurate comparison is the ward system in John Cox’s hometown of Chicago.  Has the ward system cleaned out the barn in Chicago?

The only question is does John Cox tell the truth about anything?

He lied a great deal about Travis Allen's pro-life record. That is very offensive! This was the most egregious offense to me. For a long time, voices had whispered to me back and forth that Travis Allen was pro-choice. 
At one point, I did not care, since the most important issue for me was immigration. I am pro-life, though. When another eblast from a volunteer camp digged into the numbers from Allen's Planned Murderhood score in 2016, I realized that I needed to take my own look at the numbers.
Allen received a ZERO from Planned Murderhood for three years. The two years when he did receive a score, it was for non baby-kill legislation, including a bill which repealed the sales tax on feminine products. So, John Cox has a problem with Allen because he voted for a tax cut for working women?!
Isn’t it time Republicans stopped being fooled by Democrat Lite candidates that will not fight for our values?  We need to elect someone that will fight and stand up for Californians.  Our party has been bleeding voters for decades.  The only way to stop it, is to do something different.  The last time the Republican Party added voters, was during the recall of Gray Davis and the fight to repeal the Car Tax.  It goes to show, that when we fight, we win.  We all know, John Cox does not have that kind of fight in him. Think about it, the guy voted for Jimmy Carter!


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Final Reflection

Travis Allen is the candidate we need to represent us in Sacramento.

We need a fighter, someone who is not afraid to stand with President Trump, who can stand up to the boos and hisses of the regressive left. His stance and debate in front of the Spanish-speaking audiences of Telemundo was beyond spectacular. We need that kind of candidate, a man who will not pander to one ethnic group for votes, the way that John Cox had done at the USC as well as the Telemundo debates.

It's time for Travis Allen, folks. Let's make this happen!

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