The California Republican Assembly Convention in Buena Park was the first time I saw a contested race to get an endorsement.

The two remaining candidates for Governor, John Cox and Travis Allen, had posters and signs all over the walls. This convention featured for me the first time that I saw attack ads against other candidates. I was really surprised, but glad that candidates were actually fighting against each other for the endorsement from CRA delegates.

Here's a sample of the posters along the convention walls:

I decided to give my own assessment and response to the attack ads against Travis as well as the official statement from Mike Spence of the California Pro-Life Council. My video goes over the legislation and the votes to inform everyone of what's happening.

You will notice on the list in the middle of the photos that there are some votes which Travis Allen did not cast a vote. The middle photo also states that there are some bills for which Allen did not cast a "No" vote.

Of course, that does not mean that he voted for those policies. FYI, an abstention counts as a "No" vote.

Besides, Allen has been elected and he has a voting record. So what's the problem? As for John Cox, well, he's run for office multiple times and lost. He voted for Gary Johnson instead of supporting President Trump!

Not good! Not good at all.

I know whom I am voting for, and I hope that you support him, too!

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