It's over.

It's over.

It's o-o-o-over!

Cue ELO:

DACA had a deadline, and it was March 5, 2018.

That's tomorrow, and nothing has happened to DACA.

The Democrats don't even want to talk about it anymore.

All the jumping up and down and screaming didn't work. The House Reps and US Senators were too afraid of the wrath of the voters in their districts and the several states to do anything about this problem.

Democrats really showed their cards over the last three months. They never really wanted to do anything about illegal immigration or illegal aliens. They just wanted to bring in the cheap votes while the Big Business Chamber of Compromise wanted the cheap labor and La Raza wanted the cheap identity politics.

The whole thing is a wash. It's over.

It makes no difference what the court systems have ruled at this time. This whole mess has been dragged out again at length. The DACA program was illegal. It should have never been implemented. The Democratic Party and their President Barack Obama did nothing to solve this problem.

Illegal aliens were hoping to bank on the overspent compassion of the American people. But now enough is enough. We want our country back, we want the rule of law restored, and we want the needs of Americans put first.

But of course, United We Dream still needs to make money, right?


We’re just two days from the March 5th DACA deadline. We’ve been waiting for this day with dread and anticipation ever since Trump announced that he’s ending DACA. We’ve demanded that Congress protect us and at every opportunity to do so, they have failed. Now, our next line defense against deportation is the DACA Renewal Fund.

Contribute $27

DACA renewal applications cost $495. That’s a lot of money, but we’ve come too far and worked too hard to let that cost be the barrier that prevents immigrant youth from renewing their DACA status.
Over the last six months, we’ve told our stories, we’ve rallied our allies, we’ve taken Washington by storm. We’ve looked lawmakers in the eye as they’ve tried to explain why they won’t act to defend immigrant youth. They haven’t given us an answer, but their inaction has told us clearly that we are our only hope for deportation defense.
Trump wants to eradicate us. Congress has failed to protect us. With just two days until the March 5th DACA deadline, we must rely on each other and our combined resources to stay home.
Nestor and the rest of the team at United We Dream
This is just disgusting. They want to play on people's emotion and take their money. Is any of this going toward helping Americans in need? What about homeless? What about our veterans? Who cares about illegal aliens?! They are illegal. They are aliens, and they should not be in this country.
Not one more penny for illegal aliens. Not one more. It is not our fault that their parents broke the law and brought their children into the United States. They had plenty of time, decades even, to get their act together.
Enough is enough. Shame on any lawmaker, by the way, who would be the needs of illegal aliens, foreign nationals, ahead of American citizens. That is wrong. Our elected officials took an oath, a solemn promise to uphold and defend the United States Constitution.
They needed to do just that.
In the end, the fight was never on the side of the illegal aliens or their Democratic and progressive leftist enablers. For the pro-national, pro-American activists and American people in general to win, Congress only had to do … nothing.
And they have done nothing at this time. US Senator Dicky "Sh*thole" Durbin claims that Election 2018 will be the watershed moment for DACA.  Watch the Democrats get blown out again. Key sections of the southern border wall are getting built as we speak.
It's over for the illegals. The United States government is being restored as a government of the people, for the people, and by the people, not the illegal aliens.
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