We need Patrick Morrisey in the United States Senate!

This man is a fighter, and refuses to be pushed around by bullying teachers union which care more about their pockets than their pupils.

Dear Friend,

Today, our campaign released a new ad, called “Hiding” that educates West Virginia voters about Evan Jenkins’ 20-year liberal record as a Democrat.

Some of the information is shocking.

  • Did you know liberal Evan Jenkins supported Joe Manchin’s cap-and- trade bill?
  • Did you know liberal Evan Jenkins voted for more than 20 tax and fee increases?
  • Did you know liberal Evan Jenkins rallied for Hillary Clinton in 2007 and supported John Kerry for president in 2004?

Check out all the truth about Evan Jenkins’ shockingly liberal record at www.liberalinhiding.com.

That’s right. Evan Jenkins cannot be trusted to fight for our shared conservative values in the U.S. Senate. Unfortunately, Jenkins is telling voters that he is conservative. It’s critical that we get our message out and make sure voters see this ad.

Will you please donate $50 or $75 or even $100 so I can run this ad across West Virginia?

With only 9 weeks to the primary, we must make sure voters know the truth. Can I count on your support?

I will campaign across West Virginia on my conservative record of protecting unborn life, defending coal, stand up for our gun rights, and restricting government control over our lives. Together, I know we can be victorious on May 8th!

Thank you in advance for your commitment and generosity.



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