John Chiang must be feeling the Bern or something like that. He received 30% of the California Democratic Party delegation's support two weeks ago.

He bested Antonio Villaraigosa and Delaine Eastin. The fact that he is surging ahead of the other two is pretty telling.

Will we see a Top Two with two Democrats? Will we see a Top Two with real choice? What is it going to come down to?

At any rate, Chiang must hope and pray that Big Labor iwll give his campaign a boost, so he is licking their boots while condemning the Freedom to Work movement which is about to capture another stellar victory (hopefully) in Janus vs. AFSCME.

I don't care if John Chiang is from Torrance, CA.

He is wrong for California.

We need Travis Allen to clean up the Sacramento Swamp and get rid of these greedy, lawless politicians who care more about illegal aliens than California citizens.


Workers are under attack in the Supreme Court.

Corporate special interests who want to silence workers are backing the plaintiff in Janus v. AFSCME. This case is pushing a dangerous attack on 40 years of established law that protects the ability of unions to represent public employees that serve our states and communities.

They know if they can diminish the economic and political power of working people by crippling their unions, there will be no obstacles left to their corporate greed.

I believe that when California’s workers are allowed to stand together, we all benefit. Our next governor should fight to defend workers' right to organize. If you agree, add your name.

Under current law, every public employee may choose whether or not to join a union, but unions are required to negotiate on behalf of all workers, regardless of whether they join the union.

That’s why 40 years ago, in a unanimous Supreme Court decision, the courts approved fair-share fees, so that every worker chips in toward the cost of that representation. This decision has been reaffirmed and reapplied countless times over the last four decades, even as recently as 2009.

But Republicans in Congress sided with powerful corporate interests by refusing to seat President Obama’s nominee to the Supreme Court. They rigged the court against working people. Now we’re facing the consequences.

California must continue to lead the resistance against Donald Trump, against the extremists in Congress, and against the corporate interests and their insatiable greed.

I’m ready to fight for California and level the playing field for our working people. Let me know if you're standing with me.

Thanks for your support,


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