I attended Politicon 2017, along with a larger, growing phalanx of conservatives and Trump supporters. The last Politicon has a much lower Trump turnout because many feared the worse in Election 2016.

We had so much to celebrate in 2017, though, and anyone could see from the left-wing press that many of them were really unhappy with Trump's Victory.

Above, I interviewed Jonathan Allen about his hatred of Jeff Sessions.

Here's the hatchet piece he wrote against the Attorney General.

Tucker Carlson knocked him down like a boss!

I didn't let Allen get away with his anti-Sessions hate. It's fun to confront crappy reporters with an ax to grind against conservatives.

Tucker Carlson knocked it out of the park, and Allen lost a lot of credibility that day, and even the day that I confronted him. Notice how the handlers at the table told me to move away as soon as my line of questioning became more pointed!

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