Lauren Steiner popped into the San Diego Democratic Party Bernie Bash to talk with some elected officials. She has been doggedly fighting the left-wing lie that Russia stole the election. All of this Russo-phobia is actually hurting Democratic Party chances going into Election 2018, since they look kookier and less serious every time that caterwaul about Putin's influence over Trump, the Republicans, and the 50 statewide elections which choose the electors and elected our President in 2018. Steiner spoke here with Jeff Merkley, junior US Senator from Oregon.

The real corruption lies with the DNC, and the leadership under Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and then Donna Brazile, who cheated, lied, and corrupted the process in the favor of the presumptive favorite Hillary Clinton.

Of course, the Democratic National Committee wants to put aside all of that destructive, embarrassing history. They hope that they can rely on the gullibility of left-wing extremists to push for a blue tsunami washing over this country in Election 2018.

Not going to happen.

Besides, US Senator Jeff Merkley needs to get back to Oregon. What is he doing in San Diego helping out in the California Democratic Party.

Listen to this guy talk about the same tired, left-wing tirades.

Notice that Lauren Steiner is trying to get the progressive Democrats to focus on pocketbook issues.

The Tea Party of the Left does not care about real concerns. They are infected with social justice warrior virtue-signaling, and they are determined at all costs to push this communistic identity politics, critical theory nonsense on the public

Lauren Steiner agree on a small set of issues.

We both defy the political establishment, which has been bought and paid for with third-house money by narrow special interests. We both opposed the Cap and Trade betrayal, which was a massive handout to crony corporations getting rich off of taxpayer dollars.

We defend freedom of speech earnestly. We also recognize that Bernie Sanders got robbed. US Senator Jeff Merkley was the only incumbent legislator in the upper house to endorse Sanders instead of Hillary Clinton. Who knows if he will face a primary challenge from the DNC Establishment in two years?

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