A recent Axios poll showed that five incumbent US Senate Democrats would lose their re-election bid if the election were held today.

One of the most liberal Democrats in one of the most conservative states is Jon Tester of Montana. How this guy has managed to stay in office all this time is beyond me. The voters of the Big Sky State have got to get rid of this guy. He is completely out of step with Montanans values.

He is Chuck Schumer with a flat top and missing fingers.

He needs to be missing from the US Senate once and for all.

The Montana Republican Party is raising the stakes to take him out!


We have big news to report … The latest polling results released show that FIVE Democrat U.S. Senators would lose to their Republican challenger if the mid-term elections were held today …


Here's the key point: "At the top of the list is (Montana Democrat Jon) Tester, who trails an unnamed GOP challenger by 13 points in a state where Trump enjoys an approval rating of 58 percent."

Arthur, that is very heartening to hear – Tester's down 13 points and he's now the most vulnerable Senate Democrat in the nation!

This is what we've accomplished so far. It's incredible. But in this chaotic political environment where things happen so fast, where so much is at stake, we can't take anything for granted. We need to build on this momentum right now.

That's why your Montana GOP isn't resting at all – we are picking up the pace and we need you to stay right alongside us to ensure we seize this golden opportunity and don't let it slip through our fingers!

Please make a strong statement for a GOP victory in November with your immediate contribution of:

$10 → Take Out Tester
$35 → Take Out Tester
$50 → Take Out Tester
$100 → Take Out Tester
Or any other contribution

Let's retire Jon Tester once and for all in November so we can push our America First agenda forward in Washington, D.C.! Please make a critical 2018 Mid-term Election Year contribution of $25, $50, $75, $100 or even more right now!

With your help, Arthur, we'll replace Jon Tester with a true conservative this November!

Debra Lamm
Montana Republican Party

P.S. Arthur, there's nothing guaranteed – we have to build victory in November one Montana voter at a time, so please support Montana Republicans NOW.

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