Dear Arthur, 

Tuesday night was a HUGE night for conservatives!

Many conservatives won their primaries outright or advanced to the runoff in Texas’ primary election. Club for Growth PAC is proud to endorse two of those candidates.

In Texas’ 5th Congressional DistrictBunni Pounds came in second Tuesday night with 22% of the vote, just behind her runoff opponent Lance Gooden who took 30% of the vote.

Club for Growth members may recall that Club for Growth Action was active in the primary, educating voters about Lance Gooden’s horrendous record of supporting higher taxes and fees.

In contrast, Bunni Pounds is a small businesswoman with a record of commitment as a fiscal conservative. She has also been endorsed by many local Texas conservative groups and leaders, such as Young Conservatives of Texas and retiring Congressman Jeb Hensarling (Club Score 95%).

Gooden is an UNACCEPTABLE candidate, a veritable moderate who would be terrible in Congress. In addition to his tax hikes, Gooden is a supporter of teacher unions and a strong opponent of school choice. His campaign is littered with contributions from unions and trial lawyers.

We have just over two months until the run-off on May 22nd. This is a safe Republican seat, so the winner of the run-off will likely win the general election. Please send your most generous contribution to Bunni Pounds' campaign today so we can defeat liberal, tax-hiking Lance Gooden, and we can send another hard-core economic conservative to Washington!

Donate to "Bunni Pounds for Congress" Today!
In Texas’ 6th Congressional DistrictRon Wright came in first with 45% of the vote, and will advance to the run-off on May 22.

Wright is the Tarrant County tax assessor and a former aide to retiring Rep. Joe Barton. Wright has a record of fighting for pro-growth policies. As a city councilman, he worked tirelessly to enact measures to protect citizens from eminent domain abuse and tax increases.

Wright also pledged to only serve four terms.

In contrast, the second-place finisher, Jake Ellzey, was a vocal opponent of Ted Cruz in his initial Senate race against David Dewhurst. Ellzey is an unrepentant moderate, and we don’t need more moderates in Congress!

Ron Wright’s strong showing in the primary makes him the front-runner. He just needs a little bit of help to put him over the finish line in the run-off. Please send your most generous contribution to Ron Wright's today!

Donate to "Ron Wright for Congress" Today!
With so many congressional retirements, pro-growth conservatives have a real opportunity to help elect principled candidates who will be champions for economic freedom in Congress. Bunni Pound and Ron Wright are the kind of champions we need! Please help them win their run-offs!


David McIntosh
President  | Club for Growth

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