Big Labor never rests, stops, or sleeps it seems.

They have been losing at the state level for the past eight years. From Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels stellar right-to-work passage, then Scott Walker's manifold collective bargaining reforms, we need to ensure that all workers, public or private, retain the freedom to join or not join labor unions.

Not only that, but we must protect taxpayers and municipalities from budget-busting contracts forced on them because of these unjust, unsound, and expensive collective bargaining contracts. Big Labor tried to force card check onto all employees during Barack Obama's first term. Now they want to nullify the rights of the several states to protect worker rights and taxpayer dollars.

This is wrong, and we must stop their latest assault on workplace liberty through H.R. 4846.

This bill would force first responders and public safety workers under a collective bargaining scheme.

Don't let this happen.

Call your Congressman to stop this Big Labor Bullying in Washington DC.

Specifically, call these Congressmen, who have either co-sponsored the legislation or will be voting on the bill in the House:

Congressman John Duncan (R-Tennessee)

Contact 2207 Rayburn House Office Building
(202) 225-5435
Party Republican

I am stunned that he is cosponsoring this bill!

Congressman Christopher Smith (R-New Jersey)

Contact 2373 Rayburn House Office Building
(202) 225-3765
Party Republican

House Education and Workforce Committee Members

Virginia Foxx, Chair (R-North Carolina)

Washington DC Office
2262 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2071
Fax: (202) 225-2995

Here's further information on this Big Labor scam from the National Right to Work Foundation:

"Let those politicians who foolishly choose to stand in opposition to us hear us loud and clear: We embrace our friends. Our enemies be damned and beware."
– IAFF General President Harold Schaitberger

The union bosses mean business, Arthur.

That's why action is needed IMMEDIATELY.

My staffers just reported back from Capitol Hill that union political operatives were swarming the halls with an aggressive new push of a dangerous old idea.

What Big Labor wants is simple but frightening: monopoly control over every public safety worker in the country.

Recently introduced, the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill (H.R. 4846) is designed to FORCE every police officer, firefighter, and EMT in the country under the thumb of union bosses.

If that sounds familiar to you, it's because grassroots Right to Work supporters generated a tidal wave of opposition in 2010 to fight off multiple attempts to pass similar legislation.

Pundits in the media expected smooth sailing in Congress for the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill, but concerned citizens like you sprang into action when we sounded the alarm.

Now, I'm sounding the alarm again.

The parties in power may have changed, but the threat remains.

You see, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) cosponsored the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill the last time it was introduced.

In fact, dozens of Republicans got suckered into supporting it.

With union lobbyists shaking hands and scratching backs in Congress right now, you and I must take action right away to stop this bill from picking up steam.

So please sign your Emergency Fax Authorization to your Congressman and Speaker Ryan IMMEDIATELY.


Big Labor's dangerous scheme is designed to impose union monopoly bargaining on all state, county and local public safety workers.

That means that no matter what your state and local officials say, every police officer and firefighter in every town and city in the whole country could ultimately be handed over to union boss control.

And if your town won't go along with that, the Federal Government will step in and turn over your first responders to Big Labor anyway.

In fact, the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill would overturn the laws of 26 states.

And this gross violation of states' rights is just the tip of the iceberg.

The truth is, passage of this Big Labor power-grab would mean: 

State and local governments — who are already experiencing budget shortfalls — will be forced to pay the salaries and perks of union bosses.

In the U.S. Post Office alone, taxpayers have been forced to fund over 1.75 million hours of union organizing.

Small communities that depend on volunteer police and firefighters for their safety could be forced to do without them.

Or those communities will have to deal with mammoth tax hikes to pay for union boss-controlled public safety workers.

The Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill will do nothing to stop crime or make our communities safer.

On the contrary, forcing police and firefighters under the control of power-mad union bosses tends to drive many of the best men and women out of their jobs.

And, of course, history shows us police and firefighter monopoly bargaining also has all too often led to strikes.

This legislation could pit honest taxpayers like you against the very people you count on to protect you.

When your police are ordered out on strike, who will defend your home and loved ones?

When union militants set up picket lines around fire stations, who will put out the fires?

That's why it's vital you act TODAY by signing your Emergency Fax Authorization to your U.S. Congressman and House Speaker Paul Ryan!


What's more, the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill is just the first step toward forcing ALL state and local public employees under Big Labor's thumb.

Union-label politicians like Chuck Schumer and Elizabeth Warren have already laid out a radical agenda if they take back power in the midterm elections –- including legislation to corral every teacher, librarian, and municipal worker into union collectives by federal mandate.

I want to bury members of the House and Senate in an avalanche of opposition to H.R. 4846.

So please, sign your Emergency Fax Authorization to your U.S. Congressman and Speaker Ryan at once.

And along with your petition, I hope you will chip in with a contribution of $10 or more today to kill the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill.

But most importantly, please take action immediately.


Mark Mix
President, National Right to Work

P.S. The Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill is rapidly gaining steam. If passed, this dangerous bill would force America's public safety workers under union boss control.

That's why it's vital that you sign your fax authorization to your Congressman and Senators TODAY.

After you've signed, please chip in $10, $25 or more to help your Committee defeat the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill, H.R. 4846.


The National Right to Work Committee is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens' organization dedicated to combating compulsory unionism through an aggressive program designed to mobilize public opposition to compulsory unionism and, at the same time, enlist public support for Right to Work legislation.  The Committee's mailing address is 8001 Braddock Road, Springfield, Virginia 22160.  The Committee can be contacted toll-free at 1-800-325-7892.  Its web address is

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