The RINO Republican Party of Los Angeles Central Committee is corrupt and useless.

They have no manners, not values, and no commitment to winning.

They have turned into a hollow group of irrelevant frauds who only want to be on TV once in a while and fill up their social calendar. They would rather shut down strong candidates than ensure that someone wins an election, even if Central Committee leaders do not like the candidates.

It's a real shame what has become of the once powerful Republican Party of Los Angeles County.

They could be contenders, if they really wanted to fight.

But they would rather lose "gracefully", making themselves look good compared to everyone else.

Omar was not able to win the endorsement of the RPLAC Central Committee.

But guess what?

Neither did any other GOP candidate running for Maxine Waters' seat. In the end, it looks as though Republican candidates of different backgrounds are going to fall into an abyss of uselessness.

Omar Navarro has been raising the money, establishing his recognition and stronger community connections than all the other candidates.

Everyone else who is running in this race must realize that they don't have anything close to a chance of winning. It's as simple as that.

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Hi Everyone,

Leaders of LAGOP tried to throw me under the bus today, by telling members not to endorse me. Members revolted. They abstained from voting, preventing LAGOP from endorsing any congressional candidate in the 43rd. They said “if we can’t vote for Omar, we won’t vote!” Let's send them a message by helping us pay for mailers to reach out to voters in the district. I'm going to make history with you in November. 

We already spent $1740 for the filling fee and $7300 for the candidate statement. This brings us down by $9040. We need help to get us back up by helping cover the cost of mailers which cost $3600 per 10,000 people we mail to. Donations received by today are especially appreciated because it's going to help us with the cost of  three mailers which cost $10,800.

REACH 1000 VOTERS – $360
REACH 2000 VOTERS – $720
REACH 3000 VOTERS – $1080
REACH 5000 VOTERS – $1800
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support. I keep you all in my prayers as I know this campaign is in yours.

God Bless,

Thank you,

REACH 7000 VOTERS – $2520

Voters of the 43rd Congressional District, let's send the message loudly and clearly to the corrupted political establishment in Los Angeles County.

We want to see Omar Navarro in Congress.

We want to make Los Angeles County Great Again.

We want to Make America Great Again.

We want OMAR!

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