Over the weekend, I was invited to attend and speak to the Patriots
Movement Arizona MAGA Unity Rally in Phoenix, Arizona. Even though the capital
of the Grand Canyon State is blue (same holds true for almost every capital in
the country), Arizona is a red state, and it sure felt like one. Residents can
open carry and concealed carry their firearms in most places. The gas is so
much cheaper, as is the fast-food. Wherever I went, Trump supporters raved and
rallied with us. Even in the capital, represented by two Congressional Democrats
for the majority of the city, Trump supporters gave us thumbs-up and showed
their support. The Arizona Patriots welcomed us freedom fighters with open
At the rally, a number of guest speakers called out the rampant liberal
lunacy throttling my home, the formerly Golden State of California. I heard one
refrain a number of times: “Make California American Again.” I don’t like
hearing that, and I reminded the audience at the rally (I was the last speaker)
that our state has a large contingent of Trump-supporting pro-American
patriots. Not only that, but the vast majority of residents are outraged with
the rampant lawlessness defining the current political class—on both sides of
the aisle.
To add insult to injury, I read Derek Hunter’s article “To
Hell with California
”. Really? I say “Hell no” to that. If elected
officials had embraced the attitude of “Let erring sisters go in peace” during
the (First?) American Civil War, the internecine destruction whstilich had
assault federal law and endangered the public trust in 1860 would have
continued after the Southern states seceded. Lawlessness must be countered, not
ignored and accommodated.
Moreover, the Democratic Party has ruined California, but not
Californians like me. Even if we can’t save our state (for the short-term), our
fight is encouraging and galvanizing conservatives all over the country to
fight back. Reminder: 4.5 million Californians voted for President Trump in Election
2016’s general election. Hillary Clinton won by a wider margin than Obama
because of massive voter fraud. Proof? I have friends whose children have moved
out of the house—and the state!—but the kids are still getting mail-in ballots!
San Pedro, CA apartment received 80 ballots in 2016
. The LA County
Registrar of Voters credited that to “an error” which would be corrected. Sure.
Election Integrity Projected sued
the state over voter turnouts in 11
counties which exceeded the actual population of eligible voters. The official
turnout registered 111% in Los Angeles County, but some estimates suggest as
much as 140%! This is outrageous. We don’t have elections in California. We
have Democratic dictatorship, folks, where the votes are not as important as
the people and the political machines counting them.
The problem isn’t the state, but the Democrats along with the greedy
rapacious public sector union lobby, the welfare queens, and let's not forget
the illegal aliens who are over running, invading our state. Hunter has the
wrong attitude about California, even if he was only kidding. Still, his biting
hatred for the disgusting communism overrunning the state of California is not
original with him. John Stossel suggested that California should secede, and at
least three groups have sought to place a #Calexit initiative on the ballot.
Two other initiatives want to create a “New California” or split the state up
into three parts.
To all you cynics out there, California is worth fighting for, and President
Trump is proving that. California was and still is the true heartbeat of the
Trump movement. Before Trump had declared his candidacy, patriots lined up
outside of Murrieta in 2014 and turned away the buses filled with illegal
aliens. Breitbart News is based in
California, which helped showcase the awful, unconscionable murder of Kate
Steinle in sanctuary city San Francisco. Stephen Miller, the outspoken policy
advisor on illegal immigration, comes from the People’s Republic of Santa
Monica, and many of the conservative policy wonks making the case for
protecting our borders and our culture learned from the best at
Claremont-McKenna college … in California.
Let us also not forget that to this day, Californians have exposed treasonous
DACA meetings hosted by our elected officials, and we have shut down lawless
Attorney General Xavier Becerra three times. From 15 Californians who stood up
against 25,000 George Soros puppets at LAX airport just 9 days after Trump’s
inauguration, Californians across the state are now fighting back, reminding
the country that we are Americans who love our country, but definitely do not
trust our government. There are millions of citizens in California who are
still Americans, regardless of their political affiliation.

Secession and derision are not the answer to wayward, communistic
California. What is needed now more than ever is enforcement of all federal
laws, including the immigration laws. Last
year, I wrote that
Attorney General Jeff Sessions needed to intervene in
California. Finally, he and the rest of the federal government are starting to
weigh in. AG Becerra’s unending lawsuits have been smacked down. One federal
district court has upheld the Trump administration’s power to withhold federal
grants to sanctuary state California. The lawsuits against the state are great,
too. But we need arrests. We need Jeff Sessions to lock up Jerry Brown, Gavin Newsom, Xavier Becerra, and every other politician who puts illegals ahead of American citizens.
Following Attorney General Sessions’ announcement to sue California in
federal court, I commented to the local news that we need more than just
lawsuits. We also need the National Guard to step in. With Trump’s upcoming
visit to the border wall, they just might have to. Either way, critics may
chant that California is a lost cause turning into an irredeemable hell, but
there are millions of angels within the Golden State already fighting back. We
are going to go everywhere we can in our state and raise heaven!

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