Stuart Varney on the Fox Business Network interviewed California Republican Party chairman Jim Brulte earlier this month.

He asked Brulte plainly: If Democrats are doing such a terrible job ruining the state of California, how come they continue to get elected? How come they have total power?

The Chairman trotted out the same hollow talking points about the massive demographic shift which has washed over the state of California.

There was no mention of the decaying public schools which indoctrinate students to have the United States and the rule of law. No one talked about the rapacious public sector unions which take from everyone else to enrich themselves, then use the same taxpayer dollars to buy politicians who give them more pensions and benefits.

There was definitely not discussion about illegal immigration, which has overwhelmed the state, ruined the quality of life, corrupted the voter rolls, and has undermined the legitimate franchise of all California citizens.

Add to this mess the fact that California Republicans are more interested in playing nice and losing with grace than actually winning anything. Local leaders in different counties have gone to great lengths to shut down dissent or remove "difficult" members who actually want to win elections and shape the culture of the state of California.

The "Demographic change" argument is stale and flat. The sheer laziness of Republican Party leaders, and the accomodationist attitude of elected officials has turned off so many voters. I have called Republicans in a number of contests, and they spend more time arguing with the internal staff or look to shut down conservatives rather than fight for political or cultural victories.

Republicans in Los Angeles County Central Committees don't seem interested in winning. They would rather lose but still get invited to all the "kool kidz' parties". The voters in the state of California need to revolt en masse against the political class in this state, or they need to invest in breaking out of California governance and setting up their own independent states.

The leadership from Chairman Brulte is not good enough. There is no voter registration. No one seems interested in making any kind of difference. They have no problem with drifting away from the from any kind of relevance. To keep blaming "demographics" is simply not acceptable. We need to get into the education system or devise some substitute to higher education which will shut down the indoctrinary poison in our universities.

I am fed up with the excuses, and I also find it offensive that people look at someone with slightly different skin color and automatically decided "it's hopeless". Not good enough. Stop begging the question, and starting giving answers, Chairman!

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