Travis Allen Launches Statewide Effort
Against Sanctuary State Policy
SACRAMENTO – Today, State Assemblyman Travis Allen launched a statewide campaign to encourage other cities to follow Los Alamitos’ decision to uphold Federal Immigration Law and locally fight the illegal Sanctuary State.
“Los Alamitos’ rejection of the Sanctuary State is a major victory for their citizens and the safety of their community,” said Travis Allen. “Our government’s primary purpose is protecting our citizens and I encourage every city in California to also opt out of the illegal Sanctuary State. Under the unconstitutional, dangerous, and illegal Sanctuary State law, the California Democrat Party has put criminals before citizens and endangered all Californians. Now is the time for every city across California to stand up and reject this unconstitutional law and follow Los Alamitos’ leadership for the safety of their residents.”
Members of the Los Alamitos Council, which Allen represents in the State Assembly, voted Monday to opt out of Jerry Brown’s state law that limits cooperation between local police and federal immigration agents. Travis Allen’s statewide effort follows after Allen called on the US Attorney General to sue California over Jerry Brown's illegal Sanctuary State in the beginning of the year. Allen then called on the US Department of Justice to arrest and prosecute Xavier Becerra for obstruction of justice when Becerra threatened California business owners with prosecution if they cooperated with Federal immigration authorities.
Allen is now calling on Federal authorities to prosecute Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf for aiding and abetting criminals when she recently tipped off over 800 illegal criminals which led to over 600 criminals evading arrest, and further as an accessory to a crime after 3 of those criminals have recently reoffended in California.
“Kate Steinle’s tragic murder in 2015 was a direct result of San Francisco’s Sanctuary City policy,” continued Allen. “Jerry Brown, Gavin Newsom, and the Bay Area liberal elites that control California’s government have now put every Californian in the same danger by sheltering illegal immigrants who are committing crimes in our communities. It's about time that our local officials step up and follow Federal immigration law on behalf of their residents.”
Last year, Assemblyman Allen introduced AB 1252 which would have defunded Sanctuary Cities. This year he introduced AB 2948 which would reverse California’s dangerous and illegal Sanctuary State law.
As California’s next Governor, Travis Allen has vowed to call a special election to reverse the Sanctuary State in his first 100 days in office.
Allen is encouraging every Californian to sign the petition to tell their local city council to opt out of the illegal Sanctuary State. A link to the petition can be found here.
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