Robert Hernandez, aka, Naui Huitzilopochtli, just lost his YouTube channel.

He stole other channels' content. He lied about political opponents. He harassed women and children. Apparently, even left-wing YouTube got tired of his abusive antics, and therefore the disabled his account.

What a victory! Even the social media platforms which have been pushing their radical, anti-American agenda are striking down these heinous channels with illegal content.

Of course, Naui didn't want to give up without a fight. Why should we be surprised.

Check out his letter of appeal:

I feel that my account (nauiocelotl) of 
26,000 subscribers, has been terminated in error because the full
context was misunderstood.

There is no misunderstand his context. Naui has a problem with people who don't look like him. He has imbibed the Brown Supremacist race-based narrative that the American Southwest is "stolen land."

Give me a break. Legally binding contracts following wars, rumors of wars, and 
1st Error is that I was not harassing anyone. I posted someone else's

He stole someone else's video. He admits it right there.

MY LIFE AND THE LIFE OF MY FAMILY. I wanted the public and the police
to know of this threat.

He has had at least one year. He took this content to the local Spanish press. I wonder if Albert Godinez asked the originator of the content for permission to broadcast the video? I strongly doubt it.

I notified the police and Spanish language television newsmedia did
several segments on the
death threats against me and my family.

Let's talk about the threats, the ill-will, and the bad behavior of Naui and his Brown Supremacist cohorts. They have no regard for the peace, prosperity, or property of other people. Why do they cry foul over the attacks on their channels, but they expose the private information
2nd Error is that I was given a strike twice for the same video.

He deserved it. When someone uploads someone else's content without their permission, they are asking for nothing but trouble.

You violated the community standards, Naui. Did you really think that you were going to get away with it?

I have been doing videos since 2006. I have been using my video work to
confront white supremacy.

Because of Naui's long-standing abuse against people of color just because they support Donald Trump or because they believe in secure borders and national sovereignty, one has to wonder if Naui himself is a White Supremacist, too.

I have gotten national and international coverage of my "In Your
Face" videos confronting
white supremacy.

Not anymore. His videos received a million views in the past, in growing part because YouTube was a new phenomenon in those days. Keyboard Kitty got 50 million views because of the sheer silliness as well as novelty of a domestic frill going onto major media.

His videos hardly obtain more than 1,000 views now. His routine has gotten old and tired. He actually took down some videos because he was asking for money to go protest the Dakota Pipeline, but no videos emerged.

What was going on?

I feel that white supremacists are using your "flag" system
to terminate my Youtube account.
It is a way of shutting down the videos that confront white
supremacy.  This is more than censorship.

White Supremacists like Naui?

This is blind censorship responses to the "flags" on my
videos that white supremacists post.

Desperation at its worst. I think that Naui needs to see a psychiatrist.
I ask that you look at the complete body of my work on Youtube to see
the full context of
who I am and what I do: A video activist confronting white supremacists
and other evils.
Once you see that, you will understand I am not the harasser and that
it is me that is being
harassed, then you will see the ironic injustice that Youtube has
inflicted on me.

The only which truly needs to be confronted is … his own.

In the quest for justice,
Naui Ocelotl Huitzilopochtli

True justice has indeed occurred–Naui's YouTube channel is gone for good.

Let's hope that any of his back-up channels get flagged, too, if he has any, since he has no right to steal other people's content. His disabled account is a major victory for justice and the rule of law, especially in California.

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