Keith Hardine of Los Angeles is a very good friend of mine,

He taught me so much about the founding principles of our country, including the Declaration of Independence. He has stressed to every audience he speaks of the importance of this country returning to its foundational, constitutional roots.

After the Orange County Board of Supervisors voted to reject SB 54 and file an amicus brief with the Department of Justice against California's sanctuary state laws, he sent out the following "Thank You" letter.

We the People Rising Protest SB 54 (LA Times photo)

I wanted to share his letter with the public:

Subject: Thank You OC Supervisors, for Standing up to the Bully Statists’ of California. 

Thank You OC Supervisors, for Standing up to Bully Statists’ of California.
“He” [the Governor] “has refused his Assentw to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.”
This was the first grievance listed in the Declaration of Independence against the tyrannical king of England in 1776. And it can also be equally applied to Governor Jerry Brown, and his progressive totalitarian legislature of California today. They, and other’s who insist that the Sanctuary State law SB54 is good for the people residing in California are using this law to overstep the authority of both state and federal Constitutions, which they have sworn an Oath to uphold; and to limit the Unalienable Rights of American citizens, which they are duty bound to protect."
Nevertheless by God’s Gace, some local public officials are now finding the courage to stand up for the Rule of Law, and Natural Rights, against these bully-statists’ on behalf of the American People of California.
During an interview on Fox News, Orange County Sheriff Sandra Hutchens detailed how her Department will work with I.C.E. to make the community safer. 
As a result, Sheriff Hutchens has been threatened with arrest by California Attorney General Xavier Becerra for working with I.C.E to remove violent criminal aliens from the streets. IS HE INSANE? ATTORNEY GENERAL BECERRA IS THE ONE WHO SHOULD BE ARRESTED FOR TREASON!
The Department of Justice—and millions of us living in California—are applauding the move by Orange County just weeks after Attorney General Jeff Sessions traveled to the state to announce the lawsuit. 
"The Justice Department welcomes Orange County’s decision to support our lawsuit against California’s so-called ‘sanctuary state’ policies. Orange County’s residents have experienced firsthand the negative effects of SB 54, which mandates releasing criminal aliens back into their communities instead of into the custody of federal immigration authorities," Justice Department spokesman Devin O'Malley said in a statement. "The Orange County Board of Supervisor does hereby reject the effort through state law to violate the Constitution of the United States and instead will comply with the appropriate Federal Laws and the Constitution of the United States and encourage all cities and agencies within the County of Orange to do the same."
* Source—Orange County Backs DOJ in Lawsuit Against California – Katie Pavlich
"Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God." Thomas Jefferson
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