The Red Elephants leader and friends helped me out big time in Berkeley last year:

They were indeed a Godsend, no question about it.

That doesn't mean that I agree with all their views or ideas. I will never shut down people's freedom of speech, and I submit that The Red Elephants have done an incredible job as free speech activists and advocates to fight for our culture.

Now then, I want to address tweets like this one issued out of their

Why are Jews always making anti-white movies?

— The Red Elephants (@RealRedElephant) March 15, 2018

Why blame Jewish people with such a wide brush?

For the record, I had an extended and welcome conversation with Vincent of the Red Elephants on this issue. He also told me that he has many Jewish friends–who in turn have shared a sense of alarm at the number of Jewish people in Media and Academic leadership positions pushing left-wing views.

I recognize that many people in Hollywood leadership are of Jewish descent, too. But I am not convinced that Jewish elites are running–or ruining–the United States of America.

Abject liberalism certainly is, the insane securalism which is displacing, God, Country, and the Judeo-Christian ethic should concern us greatly, especially in the state of California.

That does not mean, however, that there is some kind of Jewish conspiracy, a la The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, running the entertainment industry, or worse yet that some evil Jewish cabal is trying to destroy the United States of America.

The arguments about race, political views, and culture is too complex with too many spurious correlations abounding. Some arguments I have heard on this issue state that a set of bell curves have outlined that race and IQ correlate.

I find that argument still remains quite specious and spurious. The fact is that government programs targeted black communities with welfarism and government subsidy. All of this took place post-World War II and the Civil Rights Movement, as Lyndon Baines Johnson and his racist co-conspirators looked for any means available to shore up their vote as they realized that the American South was trending Republican–and this trend was taking place since the early 1920's.

It's correlation that stands out when we see a large black population in American prisons. This is not about the genetic determinants inside of individuals. In fact, the genetic differences between a Liberian and a Spaniard are far, far more different than the genetic determinant differences between the Negriod and the Caucasoid races. What's more compelling and thus adding an element of confusion to this whole mess: people from India are also considered Caucasoid! The skin color fCtor is practically negligible for distinguishing individuals!

The fact is that culture, not race, determines whether individuals survive, thrive, fail, or die. Practices, beliefs, views, strategies for life, attitudes and fundamental beliefs make all the difference. Thomas Sowell wrote, for example, about the economic miracle of black freedman in the United States after the Civil War. The literacy rate within this population was effectively zero right after the conflict, since Southern States had criminalized teaching black slaves to read. Within a generation, however, the black literacy rate was 50%! Intellect has nothing to do with race, but everything to do with culture, and more importantly with the choices that individuals makes.

Let's stop looking at skin color or race as a major determining factor for anything. Rather, let's hold onto the principles professed by the Framers in the Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are
created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

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