The California Republican Party is getting into the sanctuary state fight.

It's about time this happened.

Activists and conservative patriots throughout Southern California have been raising the alarm and declaring war on sanctuary state policies. California, like any other state in the union, must comply with federal law and recognize the United States Constitution as the Supreme Law of the Land.

The Democrats in Sacramento have flooded this state with cheap labor, welfare abusers, and illegal aliens of all criminal backgrounds.

Enough is enough. We need to put the needs of American citizens first and stop this rampant lawlessness.

Sign and share this petition, then go forward and let your city and county boards know that you want Americans put first and the rule of law treated with paramount importance.

Arthur —
Which California will you choose?
We choose option number two. Why?
Because unlike California Democrats, we aren't willing to sacrifice the safety of law-abiding Californian citizens for our own political gain. That's why we're asking you to take a STAND against sanctuary states today. 
California's sanctuary state laws will tie the hands of and restrict local law enforcement agencies, withholding them from using immigration resources and coordinating with federal officials.

Join us today and help END the sanctuary state!

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