After the stellar victory  at the Orange County Board of Supervisors meeting, in which they rescinded their misguided homeless movement proposal, I walked outside and met with one of the "Homelessness is a Human Right" activists.
He started going off on his hatred of Jews.
He then equated Jewish people with the illegal aliens coming from Mexico. That in itself is deeply offensive, because Jews slaughtered in the Holocaust were not illegal aliens of any kind. They were citizens of their country, only to endure the shameful injustice of having their citizenship reduced, diminished, stripped away from them, and then their lives taken away.
So, I posted this video in part to shame this creep for playing the race card against citizens who simply want our nation's immigration laws and borders enforced.
Here are the comments I left in the description section:
But the comments which follow underneath the video are breathlessly hateful.
The second reason I am posting this video is to show people who pervasive the anti-Semitic hatred has perpetuated on YouTube in the comment section:

Where’s the lie? He’s CORRECT.

No he is not. Period.
Jews ARE the problem. How can you not know that?
Such astounding hatred. Notice also that 8 viewers liked this comment!
Here's another reader who 
He is right!!!
I have dealt with a lot of jews in my lifetime and all the stereotypes are 100% TRUE!!!
Youre wrong Arthur!!!
Nope. This guy is wrong. I wish that people would think through this hatred.
Although I am starting to wonder if there is any capacity to think for those with such blinding Jew-hatred.
Check out the level of race-baiting ignorance below:
The act of being a Jew is a religion, not a race. therefore, there is no racism here.
Being Jewish is an ethnic status, or race if you will, as well as a religion. The stifling amount of ignorance explains this unfounded hatred.
Final Reflection
We need to combat this hatred. Anti-Semitism is a virulent form of hate, oftentimes based on an exchange of false, immoral ideas rather than any bad experiences with individual Jews.
YouTube claims to oppose "hate speech", yet the above comments are clear examples of hate speech which YouTube has done nothing to combat. Of course, I do not want speech silenced. There is no such thing as "hate speech" in my view. What does matter, however, is that we need to spend more time confronting these lies with the truth!
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