Senator Dianne Feinstein's office has been responding to my emails to her office.

Incredible. Perhaps she realizes that since she needs voters this year, as she faces a formidable opponent in State Senator Kevin De Leon, she needs to start paying attention to her constituents.

I can't say that I am thrilled with these tepid, pro-forma responses, but at least it's something. It does go to show, however, that we the people of the state of California can and should reach out to and make clear our needs, concerns, and even demands to our representatives, whether they are Republican or Democrat. None of us should settle for the lawless disregard of our US Senators.

Notice that she recognizes my opposition to DACA!

Dear Mr. Schaper:
Thank you for writing to share your support for the rescission of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.  I appreciate you sharing your views on this important issue, and I welcome the opportunity to respond. 
I understand that you oppose the DACA program.  I also recognize that you believe Congress has the responsibility to fix the problems with our nation’s broken immigration system, including addressing the situation of Dreamers, young people who came to our country at a very young age and are at risk of deportation given their undocumented status.
As you may know, in 2012, the Department of Homeland Security established the DACA program, which allowed certain undocumented individuals that came to the U.S. as youth to remain in the country and receive work permits for periods of two years.  DACA did not provide a pathway to citizenship.  Rather, it temporarily prevented federal immigration authorities from deporting DACA recipients.
On September 5, 2017, the Trump Administration announced that it would terminate the DACA program.  I believe that the decision to end the DACA program without first ensuring that these young people have legal protection is why Congress must act.
Dreamers are fiercely patriotic.  They were educated here.  They work here.  They pay taxes, and they’ve become integrated into American society.  They’ve known no other home but this one.  Protecting these young people is particularly important for me, representing California.  California is home to more DACA recipients than any other state – more than 223,000.  They live, work, and study in California.  They are making important contributions to our state and our country.  For this reason, I have long supported legislation that would give Dreamers the opportunity to apply for legal permanent residence if they attend college or serve in our military, pass security checks, and meet other criteria.  
While we may have to agree to disagree on this issue, please know that as Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I will continue to work toward sensible solutions to address our nation’s broken immigration system.  
Once again, thank you for writing.  Should you have any other questions or comments, please call my Washington, D.C., office at (202) 224-3841 or visit my website at  You can also follow me online at YouTubeFacebook, and Twitter, and you can sign up for my email newsletter at
Best regards.

Sincerely yours,

  Dianne Feinstein
         United States Senator

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