I understand that this ordinance is focused specifically on
Los Alamitos, but we all know that its implications extend far beyond the
boundaries of this small city.
This city council, and the supporters of this motion, made
history on March 19th, 2018. It was the Second Shot Heard Round The
World, a signal of the Bear Flag Restoration which is returning to the state of
California. We the People of the United States hold the power in this country.
It does not belong to government officials, corrupt bureaucrats, the Deep State
of California or Washington DC.
We the People needed to form a more perfect union. In the
state of California, this union is under unprecedented assault, and it’s time
for us to stand up and fight back. Every elected official takes an oath to
uphold and defend the United States Constitution, the founding charter of our
country, the supreme law of the land. Any state law or constitution which
contravenes the United States Constitution is null and void.
As I had shared on March 19th, the perverse
doctrine of nullification died on the fields of Appomattox Court House in 1865.
It will not revive here in the state of California.  The state legislature and Governor have no
right to bully counties and municipalities with contradictory and
unconstitutional demands.
SB 54 is patently unconstitutional, depriving us citizens of
a republican form of government. 80% of respondents in a poll reject sanctuary
state lawlessness. It endangers our police, our citizens, and our businesses.
It asserts a narrow political agenda to turn California into a third-world
shithole, with Sacramento Democrats lording their power over the rest of us.
Angry De Leon! Very Angry De Leon!!
The Brown Supremacists, or Brown Nazis, who have been
pushing this illegal alien, open-borders nonsense want nothing more than to see
every law-abiding taxpaying citizen pushed out of the state or pushed into the
sea. They rant and rave about “stolen land! Stolen land.” The truth is, their
hateful, delusional, and dangerous views would have been classified as a mental
disorder twenty years ago and they would have been committed to a mental
institution. Perhaps there is still hope for that happening.
The city of Los Alamitos must officially adopt this
ordinance and signal to their constituents and to the state that we will
respect one rule of law. This correction to California’s rampant,
anti-constitutional lawlessness must be confronted and must be ended.
As for the scores of college students filling city council
chambers and defending SB 54, they refuse to realize that they are defending
violent criminals. They are defending evil people who have already separated
families forever, like Marcello Bisarello, who was murdered in 2015 by a
drunk-driving illegal alien who had been deported five times. Kate Steinle,
Ronald De Silva, and an average of 25 Americans a day have been separate from
their families by illegal alien murders. Where were their sanctuaries? What
about his dreams? This corrective is long overdue, a bear flag restoration for California.

This lawlessness ends today.  As for State Senator Kevin De Leon, if he
really wants to stop your efforts, why hasn’t he directed lawless attorney
general Xavier Basura I mean, Becerra to file a lawsuit against this and every
other city standing up to SB 54?
It’s because they can’t, because they know they have neither
the law nor the facts on their side. Not only do I encourage this city council
to take this action, you are required to. You have an oath to defend, and if
you will not follow through, then you should resign.
Let’s Make California Constitutional Again.

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