Hello California Patriots!

As you know, San Dimas turned into a bitter, unpleasant disappointment for We the People on April 24th, 2018

Two councilmembers had guts, and the other three were gutless.

I informed the San Dimas City Clerk that I wanted to speak to the Mayor.

Guess what?

The Mayor of San Dimas called me this afternoon!

He gave me the same song and dance about a city stance against SB 54 was not necessary because the federal courts are taking care of the issue blah blah blah .

I was vehement and curt, but stayed as professional as I could.

I told him we are going to double down and demand that the city could take up the issue again and press ahead on upholding their oaths of office. He tried to hide behind a bunch of legal mumbo jumbo (he was trained at Stanford Law School, which has gone full tilt left-wing).

This SB 54 perversity is very much a local issue as much as it is a national one. There is absolutely no excuse for the city to ignore it. NONE.

I told him that we will double our numbers and pressure them until they do the right thing. I said that we would go to public events and let him have it until he did the right thing.

And … Mayor Curtis called me on his direct cell phone number!

SO …

Here you all go!

(909) 599-6975

You ALL know what to do!

Arthur Christopher Schaper is a blogger, writer, and commentator on topics both timeless and timely; political, cultural, and eternal. A life-long Southern California resident, Arthur currently lives in Torrance. Follow his blogs at The State of the Union and As He Is, So Are We Ministries
Canada Free Press ContributorTwitter: @ArthurCSchaper 
Email: ArthurSchaper@hotmail.com 

Here's the previous email that I had sent to the California Citizens Opposed to SB 54:

Hello San Dimas Patriots–and California Patriots:
I am really unhappy with the cowardly majority of San Dimas City Council.
San Dimas has abandoned any effort opposing California’s sanctuary state law despite hearing hours of impassioned pleas from both sides of the issue.

Last time I checked, they took an oath of office to the United States Constitution–not to their political party or to their city, or to their hopes for basic quiescence within city limits.
This setback on Monday should not be the final word. Illegal aliens badger lawmakers and elected officials all the time when they lose the "first round."
We have every right and necessity to double down on our reasonable–constitutional!–demands that they city of San Dimas oppose SB 54, seek an opt-out through a stay of compliance, and file an amicus brief or joinder with the city of Huntington Beach.
I contact the city clerk's office this afternoon and registered my intense displeasure with the majority's perverse decision to do nothing to oppose or thwart SB 54.
I have already communicated with Councilman Vienna privately, and I left him a message informing him of my support and expectation that he will bring up this item a second time, along with a pressure for the city to file an amicus brief and issue a "Stay of compliance."
Here are the email addresses and the contact numbers for the San Dimas City Hall staff and city councilmembers.
I urge everyone of you not only to call and email the city council and staff–but to share this information with five others and have them do the same.

We DEMAND–not "ask politely" that the San Dimas City Council revisit the Agenda item from the Monday City Council meeting:

  1. Issue a resolution opposing SB 54
  2. File a separate lawsuit or file an amicus brief with the city of Huntington Beach
  3. Issue a "stay of compliance" ordinance.

Reminder: The city council took an oath of office to uphold and defend the United States Constitution.

The urgency of rejecting SB 54 is not open for debate, since the SB 54 is patently unconstitutional.
Please find attached:
  1. Temple letter addressed specifically to the San Dimas City Council and staff.
  2. And article titled "Rebuttals to Every Excuse NOT to act against SB54 Sanctuary State – By George Miller"
  3. A Draft of the Constitution Compliance ordinance passed by Los Alamitos

City Clerk:
Phone: (909)394-6216
Fax: (909)394-6209
Email: cityclerk@ci.san-dimas.ca.us
City Manager
Phone: (909) 394-6213
FAX: (909) 394-6209
City Attorney
Phone: (310) 527-6660
Email: msteres@awattorneys.com
Attorney: Mark Steres



Curtis W. Morris
Elected: 3/97
Re-elected: 3/99, 3/01, 3/03, 3/05, 3/07
3/09, 3/11, 3/13, 3/15, 3/17
Term Expires: 3/19
E-Mail:  cmorris@ci.san-dimas.ca.us

Mayor Pro Tem

Denis Bertone
Elected: 4/88
Re-elected: 4/92, 3/97, 3/01, 3/05
3/09, 3/13, 3/17
Term Expires: 3/21
E-mail:  dbertone@ci.san-dimas.ca.us

Council Member

Emmett Badar
Elected: 3/07
Re-elected: 3/11, 03/15
Term Expires: 3/19
E-Mail: ebadar@ci.san-dimas.ca.us

Council Member


John Ebiner
Elected: 4/90
Re-elected: 4/94, 3/99, 3/03, 3/07
3/11, 3/15
Term Expires: 3/19
E-Mail:  jebiner@ci.san-dimas.ca.us

Council Member

Ryan A. ViennaElected: 3/17
Term Expires: 3/21
E-Mail: rvienna@ci.san-dimas.ca.us

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