“The Iran Deal was one of the worst and most one-sided transactions the United States has ever entered into.” – President Donald J. Trump

President Trump announced his decision today to withdraw the United States from the Iran deal and to re-impose sanctions that were lifted under the agreement.

This is a major victory for America's national security interests and President Trump should be applauded for his leadership.

The Iran deal enriched an evil regime that lied about its efforts to develop nuclear weapons, and supports terrorist groups that are hostile to America and our allies.

Please take a moment to send the president an email thanking him for making this important decision.

As you know, President Trump will be criticized for this by liberals in Congress and in the media. It's important that we communicate our support for his conservative policies. When shows leadership like this, he needs to know that we have his back.

Click here to send an instant message to the White House.

Thank you for being part of our team and for doing so much to help us work against this failed agreement.

Now we must work together to support President Trump's efforts to secure our borders. Too many Republicans in Congress are dragging their feet on this and putting our nation at risk.

Ken Cuccinelli II
Senate Conservatives Action

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