More cities are joining the fight against SB 54, aka the Sanctuary State law.

Hanford, California had a relatively quiet meeting, apparently, while activists were raising their voices against this perverse law in other parts of the state.

ABC 30 reports:

On Tuesday, Hanford picked its side when the councilmembers voted
unanimously to break from the state's sanctuary city laws and support a federal
lawsuit against it.
"We have cartels active here. We have other criminal organizations
active here with criminal aliens in this country," said councilmember
Martin Devine.
The decision came with some criticism and condemnation.
"When people think of immigrants, they think of this demon that's
going to try and hurt them, but really we just want to find better lives for
ourselves," said Ella Wheatley, who recently moved the [sic] Hanford from
England with her family.

This arguments has grown tired and even silly. Everyone who has read and reviewed SB 54 recognizes that the legislation is protecting illegal aliens criminals. This legislation doesn't talk about the illegal aliens who were brought into this country by their parents.
The sob story approach is not working anymore as more cities seek to opt out of SB 54.
SB 54, which passed last year, limits law enforcement cooperation with
immigration officials. Unlike ordinances other southern Californian communities
have passed, the Hanford resolution only opposes but does not openly defy state

The fact that the counties and the cities are rising up against it shows that more people are no longer afraid to take this legislation down. 
"We do need immigration reform," said Councilmember Justin
Mendes. "That's the job of Congress, that's not the job Kevin de
City council members say in addition to public safety concerns, they
also wanted to send a message to the state capitol that they overstepped their
bounds when passing these laws.

Exactly. The state legislature had no business passing any kind of legislation which interrupts or frustrates the powers of the federal government.

Contact the current city councilmembers below, and thank them for UNANIMOUSLY opposing SB 54:

The current members of the Hanford City Council are:
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