Dear Pastor — and Councilman — Herring.
My name is Arthur Schaper, a proud American, life-long Californian, and a fervent believer in Christ Jesus, as are you.
For the last three months, I have been working with an incredible, influential community of conservative Christians and pro-family activists in Ventura, Los Angeles, and Orange Counties. Those numbers have recently expanded to include Monterey, Santa Barbara, Siskiyou, and San Diego Counties. 
We have been attending city council and county board meetings with local and county stakeholders to get every elected board to opt out of SB 54, the notorious Sanctuary State Law.
There is still no action from you andyour colleagues to opt out of SB 54 in the city of Torrance. Need I remind you that this law is endangering law enforcement, our national and state sovereignty, and is patently unconstitutional.
Simi Valley voted to join an amicus brief against this terrible law. The city of Camarillo is already putting an agenda item forward to oppose that law, too. Carlsbad just opted out, and so will Tulare County.
But as councilman on the Torrance City Council, you have still done nothing.
All authority comes from God, as you well know:
"Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God." (Romans 13:1)
In the United States, our constitutional republic determines that We the People are the powers, which we have received from Almighty God.
You serve as a representative for the citizens of Torrance. At this time, however, you are not serving as subject to those higher powers, i.e. the people who elected you, and more importantly your oath of office.
I am very displeased with your lack of leadership to stand up to Sanctuary State lawlessness in your city.
There is no excuse for this behavior. If you refuse to take a stance, then you should resign. Your oath of office mandates that you recognize the Constitution as "The Supreme Law of the Land" (Article VI, Sect. 2). SB 54 violates Article I, Section 8, which recognizes immigration as a power delegated expressly to the federal government. Any state law or state constitution which frustrates federal law and the United States Constitution is null and void, which includes SB 54.
I will continue to communicate with fellow voters and urge them to hold you accountable on this matter.
You have a responsibility before God and man to respond to the needs of your community and fulfill your oath of office.
I will communicate with you further on this matter shortly.
Thank you
Arthur Schaper.
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