From the Desk of Jeff Schwilk:

See attached mailer that Diane Harkey sent out last week to voters.  

That is what we are looking for in all candidates and politicians in California, a key border state that has been overwhelmed by illegal immigration and crime, drugs, and smuggling from Mexico due to our open borders and lax enforcement of our laws.
SDSB endorsed Harkey back in February for the 49th District over 15 other candidates running for that open seat (Issa is quitting).  Ms. Harkey has promised to secure our borders, end sanctuary cities and states, and enforce our immigration laws.

Diane Harkey for Congress

Her strong anti-illegal immigration message appears to be working.  In this latest poll, Harkey holds a big lead over her open border challengers.  Make sure all your friends in the 49th know to vote for Diane Harkey.  She is only the proven leader on fighting illegal immigration.
Diane Harkey 24%
Doug Applegate (D) 11%
Sara Jacobs (D) 11%
Mike Levin (D) 10%
Rocky “La Raza” Chavez (RINO) 8%
Rocky Chavez is 100% pro-mass amnesty for 20-30 million ILLEGAL aliens hiding in the U.S. (4-6 million in California alone) and full benefits for them.  He’s against a border wall and has bashed President Trump publicly both before and after the election.  He also votes with the Democrats on raising our taxes and other far left progressive issues.  If Rocky Chavez had any integrity, he would be running for Congress as a Democrat.
More truth and dirt on Rocky here:
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