Rosalyn La Liberte of the West Valley region in Los Angeles,
California is a typical Trump supporter.

Boasting a diverse heritage (she is Jewish, born in Indonesia,
raised in Inglewood, where she lived and thrived among many peers of different
backgrounds), Rosalyn is a thriving businesswoman and a proud Trump supporter.
She loves her country and wants to ensure to that America in not only great for
her and her family, but for future generations.

A mother and grandmothers, Roslyn
is invested in her beliefs, and she is not afraid to defend this great country
and the values on which it is founded.

Every town hall which she has attended, she has been one of the
most respectful members of the audience. She has never cursed or verbally
assaulted anyone, and when she speaks her mind, she minds the rights of others
and her manners.
This is the proper background needed for the following
photograph in the Ventura County Star, following her attendance and activist at
the Simi Valley City Council meeting on June 25th, 2018. 
To quickly recap, the Simi Valley city
council had voted to join the Department of Justice lawsuit against the state
of California for its collection of so-called “Sanctuary State” laws. Following
complaints that the city had violated open meeting laws to pass the resolution,
the city council revisited the issue, but voted the same way.
Roslyn La Liberte attended the meeting along with a larger group of committed conservatives and concerned citizens throughout the greater Southern California region. Pro-Sanctuary State activists had also attended, and reports before and during the city council meeting indicated that the open-borders lobby bussed in activists to defend the increasingly unpopular Sanctuary State Law.
At one point, Roslyn engaged with some of the individuals in the audience, as depicted above. One can surmise looking at the photo that she isn't even looking at the the student on the right side.
Unfortunately, one young activist named Alan Vargas took this photo and captioned it falsely to defame Roslyn:
" You are going to be the first deported"
" dirty Mexican "

Were some of the things they yelled they yelled at this 14 year old boy. He was defending immigrants at a rally and was shouted down.

Spread this far and wide this woman needs to be put on blast.

— Alan Vargas (@TheAlanvargas) June 29, 2018

Notice that Vargas sent this tweet three days after the Simi Valley city council meeting. The writer made no efforts to substantiate the claim. One reporter from the Gateway Pundit, Kristinn Taylor, asked him to corroborate the claim that Roslyn had uttered those racist remarks, and that he had directed them at the 14-year-old.

@TheAlanvargas I'm writing an article for The Gateway Pundit about the photo of the woman you put on "blast" from the Simi Valley meeting. Did you witness the exchange between her and the boy? Did you take the photo?

— Kristinn Taylor (@KristinnFR) July 1, 2018

Of course, the teen activist could not. It was clearly libelous, especially since Vargas wrote "This woman needs to be put on blast."

Fox 11 News released a full report on the incident, in which the 14-year old explains that La Liberte never said any of those nasty things to her.

Here's part of the Fox 11 report:

14-year old Joseph Luevanos was there to take the other side.
During a recess in the meeting the teenager says he started a
conversation with the woman to try and understand her feelings, “but, I felt
like she was still trying to keep it civil which I appreciate ."
Both he and his mom say there were rude people saying ugly things like
the teen would be the first to be deported. For the record, he was born and
raised in this part of Southern California and he didn’t like that. But, he
says, what you see in the photo isn't a confrontation but a conversation.

La Liberte says, I never said anything disparaging. I never did.”

In spite of this information the left-wing Twitter mob blasted Roslyn La Liberteand has continued to defame and demean her. This is scandalous behavior.

MSNBC's Joy Reid, who has been under fire for hateful blog posts of her own, shared Vargas' tweet:

Well this happened.

— Alan Vargas (@TheAlanvargas) June 29, 2018

And then it escalated further. Joy Reid reposted the image with this outrageous, outlandish set of lies about Rosyln:

Reid commented on the photo:

He showed up to a rally to defend immigrants. … She showed up too, in
her MAGA hat, and screamed, “You are going to be the first deported" …
" dirty Mexican!”

He is 14 years old. She is an adult. Make the picture black and white
and it could be the 1950s and the desegregation of a school. Hate is real,
y’all. It hasn’t even really gone away.

These charges are beyond ridiculous. Roslyn attended Morningside High School in Inglewood, CA when the school was majority black. Furthermore, she has interacted with men and women of all ethnic backgrounds, especially within the LA County for Trump movement.
Of course, the truth doesn't get in the way of angry leftists looking to push an agenda, and to destroy the reputation and living of their political opponents.
Check out the rest of the Left-wing social media mob thuggery which followed (Special credit to Kristinn Taylor for assembling these social media posts to help correct the record):

Soledad O'Brien:
Ugh. These American racists. But this kid–good gor him.

— Soledad O'Brien (@soledadobrien) June 30, 2018

David Hogg:

Midterms are Nov 6th register to vote here

— David Hogg (@davidhogg111) June 29, 2018

Ana Navarro:

Oh look, here is today’s racist dujour. Does she have a name, or should we just call her, #RedHatHarriet?

— Ana Navarro (@ananavarro) June 30, 2018

Of course, no one could pass up misusing and mangling history to defame an innocent woman.

Check out this tweet, too:

"You're going to be the first deported! Filthy Mexican!" screams #RoslynLaLiberte in a hate filled photo reminiscent of other iconic hate filled images. History is being written. Roslyn LaLiberte has crystallized her place on the wrong side of history for future generations .

— nadinevanderVelde (@nadinevdVelde) June 29, 2018

This left-wing barage of hate has harmed Roslyn's business.

From the Fox 11 News Report:

A photo taken by the Ventura County Star that's been making
the social media rounds has become twisted as it churns its way through the
internet. Activists have been spinning it in different directions. Some have
even alerted companies doing business with Rosalyn La Liberte's contracting
company that they should boycott her firm. 

La Liberte and her husband tell us people have been calling
their phone to harass her. She says the picture couple with the spread of
social media has been incredibly damaging. First, she says, "I look like a
monster. If I saw that i would be upset.” She says one of her clients has
already dumped her because of the photo.

The 14 year old has spoken in La Liberte's favor:
To that, Luevanos says "I don’t really want this upon
her. She doesn’t deserve it because she was giving her opinion at a place where
everyone should be able to say their peace.

Until today, her business website has still crashed and remains unresponsive because of the excessive traffic/hate mail hitting her business.

Now, there are plenty of responses that well-minded people in the public can do to stop this hateful insanity.

Please follow these steps:
1. Report Alan Vargas for his malicious tweet. His account should be disabled for sending out such libel.
Here's his Twitter profile:
3. Contact me with other ideas. We can launch a boycott against the sponsors for Joy Reid's programs, along with the other actors and activists who lied about Roslyn. If you can contact any attorneys who can help defend Mrs. La Liberte and help her recoup damages because she has lost business and clients because of this outrageous social media assault.
My email address:
4. Contact Roslyn’s business by email to show your support:
5. Write her business a positive review. She deserves it.
Here's the Link on Yelp!
6. Contact Joy Reid's media and publicist contacts and demand that she take down the libelous posts about Roslyn La Liberte:
Lorie Acio
Senior Manager, Media Relations
(212) 664-6733

Hollie Tracz
Publicist, Media Relations
(212) 664-3114
7. Please make comments on the Facebook and Twitter posts correcting the record, including on the posts and tweets featured above.  Include this post if you like to share what is really going on: left-wing anti-social injustice warriors are bullying an independent small businesswoman, mother, and grandmother with invidious discrimination based on false information.

The answer to defamatory speech is .. free speech that speaks the truth. Let's get the word out and correct the record and make sure that those who shared this libelous slander against Roslyn La Liberte are held accountable for their actions.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x